Bad News! LINE Will Remove VOOM Features On February 14

JAKARTA LINE, a platform that outperformed WhatsApp, will remove the VOOM feature for users in a number of countries. This news was only shared by the company on Friday, January 10.

This South Korean-based platform will remove VOOM services from all countries, except Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand. In other words, this change will also have an impact on users in Indonesia.

"LINE VOOM will no longer be available in your country/region as of February 14, 2025," LINE wrote on the announcement page. "All data including posts included in your archive will be permanently removed from our servers."

The archived content will be deleted on May 29. Before the deletion is made, LINE asks all users to save uploads, photos, and videos as archives, then download them via

Requests for archived content can be made between January 10 and February 13, while downloading the content can be done until March 6. If it is past the specified time, the content will disappear permanently.

Although LINE is not as popular as it used to be, this messaging platform is still widely used in Indonesia. Not a few LINE users admit that they are disappointed by this change. The reason is, the removal of LINE VOOM will have an impact on other features.

The VOOM tab will be automatically deleted on February 14 along with the features in it. In accordance with the company's explanation, users will not be able to access or create Stories as before.

This deletion will also have an impact on the user's profile page. If previously the user will see various posts when scrolling the profile screen, the page will disappear. Users also cannot see the number of users being followed on the VOOM LINE.

This is a big blow to LINE users in Indonesia. If previously they could share interesting content or simply interact with friends on VOOM, this capability would be removed from the platform.

It is not known for certain the reason behind the deletion of the VOOM feature. One thing is for sure, LINE will return as it was first launched, which is that it can only exchange messages in the chat room and make phone calls.