7 Years Of Work Abroad, Santi Asal Karawang This Leaves A Message To PMI: Don't Spend Money

JAKARTA - Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Minister (P2MI) Abdul Kadir Karding visited Santi Nurwatun Janah's house, a retired Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Ciparagejaya Village, Karawang Regency, West Java.

"So today I went to Ciparagejaya Village, Tempuran District, Karawang. This is one of the fishing villages where 80 percent of the fishermen are fishermen and some of them work abroad to become Migrant Workers," said Minister Karding in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Friday, January 10.

The visit was made Thursday, January 9 yesterday. Minister Karding admitted that he deliberately stayed at Santi's house so that he could explore and live the life of the people in the village who are pockets of Indonesian migrant workers.

According to him, Santi is a successful and inspiring Indonesian migrant worker. After becoming an Indonesian migrant worker, Santi can now live happily with her husband in his hometown.

"There are also many stories of Migrant Workers who are successful, in the future, the principle is that everyone must be protected and empowered. Apart from placing high-skill Migrant Workers, we also continue to empower the Retired migrant workers," he said.

Santi Nurwatun Janah has worked in three countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. A total of seven years of service in question abroad.

"Jika sudah bekerja di luar negeri, jangan kabur dari majikan. Mungkin kurang nyaman dengan majikan, kita harus bisa menyesuaikannya. Jika sudah bekerja jangan uang dihamburin jadi bisa buat bekal di rumah," pesannya.

Selama menjadi Pekerja Migran di tiga negara, Santi mengaku paling nyaman ketika bekerja di Taiwan. Menurutnya, majikan sudah seperti keluarga.

- https://voi.id/berita/449751/rapat-khusus-polri-dukung-program-kementerian-p2mi-beri-perlindungan-pmi

- https://voi.id/berita/449753/menteri-p2mi-kapolri-bertemu-rencanakan-pembentukan-desk-tppo

- https://voi.id/berita/449751/rapat-khusus-polri-dukung-program-kementerian-p2mi-beri-perlindungan-pmi


"If you have worked abroad, don't run away from your employer. Maybe you are uncomfortable with your employer, we must be able to adjust it. If you are already working, don't spend money so you can make provisions at home," he ordered.

During her time as a Migrant Worker in three countries, Santi admitted that she was the most comfortable when she worked in Taiwan. According to her, the employer is like family.