7 Pantangan After Drinking Simvastatin, Cholesterol Patients Must Know!

YOGYAKARTA Pantangan after taking simvastatin drugs needs to be obeyed so that drug absorption is not disturbed, so the effect becomes more optimal.

Simvastatin is a class of statin cholesterol drug that can reduce LDL (Low Density Lipopolikaride/bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. The drug works by inhibiting the work of cholesterol-forming enzymes.

The use of symvastatin needs to be balanced with a healthy lifestyle and avoid some taboos so that drugs can work effectively without causing side effects. In addition, this statin-class cholesterol drug must also be consumed according to the doctor's advice to be safe and effective in reducing bad cholesterol levels.

Compiled from various sources, the following is a taboo after taking a symvastatin drug that must be obeyed by cholesterol sufferers:

High-fat foods that are saturated, such as fatty meats, fast foods, and processed foods, can increase LDL levels in the blood.

In addition, fatty foods can also reduce the effectiveness of symvastatin drugs in reducing levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. For that, you need to avoid high-fat saturated foods when taking the drug.

In addition to avoiding fatty foods, consumption of foods or high sugar foods is also taboo after taking simvastatin medication.

Foods and high sugar drinks such as sweet cakes, candy, and soda can stimulate increased levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. If you can't avoid it, this can interfere with the purpose of simvastatins in reducing cholesterol levels.

According to research, consumption of alcoholic beverages after taking cholesterol drugs for the statin class can increase the risk of liver disorders and muscle aches. Therefore, alcohol consumption becomes taboo after taking symvastatin drugs.

Not only increasing the risk of liver damage, alcohol can also reduce the effectiveness of lowering cholesterol levels from simvastatin drugs.

A number of studies show that green tea can increase the concentration of simvastatins in the blood. This can exacerbate the risk of liver damage and cause side effects in the form of muscle aches.

For that, you need to avoid green tea after taking simvastatin medicine. In order for this drug to work more optimally, you are advised to drink more water, at least 2 liters per day.

In a journal entitled Effect of Regular Consumption of Graphefruit Juice on the Pharmacokinetics of Simastatin published by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2004), it is stated that the consumption of one glass of Balinese juice every day can reduce the effectiveness of symvastatin drugs.

In addition, consumption of Balinese juice also risks increasing the side effects of simvastatin drugs, such as muscle aches, digestive disorders, and headaches.

Drinking high-fat milk is also a taboo after taking symvastatin. This is because high-fat milk can increase levels of LDL in the blood so that it has the potential to interfere with the work of symvastatin drugs in reducing cholesterol levels.

If you can't avoid this taboo, choose low-fat milk such as soy milk and almon milk. However, it's best to consult with the doctor first to find out the break in drinking milk after taking the simvastatin drug.

Simvastatin can cause harmful side effects if consumed along with certain drugs, such as:

That's information about taboos after taking the symvastatin drug. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.