Megawati to KPK: No Other Work Accused, Only Hasto Was Disturbed
JAKARTA - PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri questioned why only PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto has been taken care of by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) recently.
Megawati conveyed this in her political speech during the commemoration of PDIP's 52nd Anniversary at the PDIP DPP party school, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Friday, January 10. Initially, she mentioned how the Constitutional Court (MK) was formed during her administration but was later used for certain purposes.
"I made the MK. Try, I need this MK, I look for the building myself. President e, that's there ngendi that, what road is that. Magnificent. At that time, Mr. Jimmly who I made (Jimmly Asshiddiqie, the first Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court for the 2003-2008 period) is now laughing. Made into a toy, well, of course. That's the constitution," said Megawati.
After the MK, Megawati also mentioned the KPK. The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia questioned the performance of the institution that only focused on the bribery case for the interim replacement (PAW) and obstruction of investigation that ensnared Hasto.
"The KPK can't have other work, huh, the only one accused, the only one being searched for is Mr. Hasto (that's all)," she asserted.
Hearing this, Hasto who was in the invitation chair smiled. "Because actually there are many who are already suspects but meneng wae (just keep quiet). Every day when I open the newspaper, there might not be any additions. Nothing," said Megawati.
"Just before coming here, yo, maybe there are some who are loan sharks, right? Akeh (there are many). Later if I say this... It's rude. How can you be afraid like that. Actually, what is the fear, actually I already said (fear, ed) that it's an illusion," she continued.
As previously reported, the KPK is developing a bribery case for replacement between times (PAW) that ensnared former KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan and his fugitive, Harun Masiku. Two people were then named as suspects, namely PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and Donny Tri Istiqomah who is a PDIP cadre and lawyer.
Not stopping there, Hasto is also a suspect for obstruction of investigation. He is suspected of trying to obstruct the legal process, one of which is by asking Harun to destroy his cellphone and run away after the sting operation (OTT) was carried out.
Hasto was summoned by investigators to be questioned as a suspect on Monday, January 6. However, he requested a postponement because there was a series of PDIP anniversary events that had already been scheduled.
He then confirmed that he would fulfill the investigator's summons on Monday, January 13. Hasto admitted that he was ready to undergo the legal process with full responsibility and would cooperate.