Head Of BPOM-Kapolri Meets, Discuss Drug Mafia Eradication
JAKARTA - Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Taruna Ikrar, met with the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The meeting between the two discussed various things, one of which was about eradicating the drug mafia.
The meeting between the two took place at the Rupatama Building, Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Friday, January 10.
"We also agreed to eradicate prosecution related to mafia perpetrators," said the National Police Chief to reporters after the meeting.
According to him, by taking action or eradicating the drug mafia, it will affect availability and prices. Thus, people do not see how to get the drugs needed.
"Of course we know that how we can continue to maintain and lower drug prices so that they are affordable because one of the expensive ones is raw materials," he said.
In addition, Sigit also said that the National Police encouraged BPOM to build the domestic drug industry. That way, people's expectations regarding prices and others can be met.
"The point is that we are ready to cooperate ready to provide assistance," said Sigit.
In addition, Ikrar said that BPOM's cooperation with the National Police was more about monitoring drugs, food, and others that had a big contribution to state revenues. Therefore, no mafia should take advantage.
It is undeniable that BPOM lacks human resources (HR) in the enforcement sector. It is recorded that BPOM has PPNS which is only around 600 throughout Indonesia.
"Then at the stage of prosecution we need a role and collaboration with the Police," said Ikrar.