Riza Patria Elected Deputy Governor, National Level Party Opposition Contagious To DKI
JAKARTA - Ahmad Riza Patria won the election for Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta by a landslide. The position of coalition and opposition of political parties at the central (national) level plays a big role in the results of the election results for DKI Deputy Governor.
Of the hundred votes of DPRD members who voted, two were invalid votes. A total of 81 votes voted for Gerindra politicians. Meanwhile, Riza's opponent, Nurmansjah Lubis from PKS, only got 17 votes.
Nurmansjah considered the votes he got came from all 16 members of the PKS faction. Then, 1 vote remaining, he did not know who it was.
"PKS gets 17 votes. I am grateful that PKS under any circumstances 16 votes remain solidly supporting Nurmasjah. The capital is 16 and there is one mysterious voice, thank God. I don't know who that one person is," Nurmansjah told reporters, Monday, April 6. .
Seeing these results, the Chairperson of the PKS DPRD DKI Faction Mohammad Arifin considered that political attitudes in the form of coalitions and party opposition at the central level - namely the party leadership council - were each transmitted to the regional level in DKI.
Let us compare the attitudes of ten DPRD party factions. At the national level, PDIP, Gerindra, Golkar, Nasdem, PKB and PPP are included in the governing coalition. PSI also stated that it supports the government.
Meanwhile, PAN and Democrat Gray, both can choose the two candidates. Then, PKS is an opposition party without friends at the national level.
If you look at it, almost all of Nurmansjah Lubis' votes came from all the votes of members of the PKS faction. Only one additional voice is still a mystery. This means that the attitude of the party that chooses the two candidates follows the position of the party at the national level.
"This is the result, DKI Jakarta is the capital city and usually politics in the capital city is not much different from politics at the national level," said Arifin.
Arifin understands that almost all policies taken by party officials at the DKI Jakarta regional level depend heavily on policies at the central level. He found this reading based on the results of communication with several party officials in DKI before the election day.
"At the national level, PKS is the opposition. On its own, it becomes the opposition. So, there will also be an impact in the politics of DKI as we saw the plenary results of the Deputy Governor election today," he said.
Message for Riza
As the losing candidate, Nurmansjah hopes that Riza can fully support the policies of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan in running the capital city government which is considered complicated.
Nurmansjah advised that Riza should now focus on dealing with the problem of handling the COVID-19 outbreak. Starting from budget planning, meeting the needs of medical personnel, and handling workers whose economy is affected.
"Coronavirus is a very serious problem, so what the President said about this budget is important now. Riza must be able to provide an efficient budget," said Nurmansjah.