Different Opinions Of The Police And The DKI Provincial Government Regarding Electric Scooters On Bicycle Tracks

JAKARTA - DKI Governor Regulation (Pergub) number 129 of 2019 concerning the Provision of Bicycle Lanes will soon be issued, just to be signed. The Pergub states that bicycle lanes are used for bicycles and electric bicycles, including electric scooters.

Even so, the police will even ticket the electric scooters if they are used in bicycle lanes on the road. Their legal basis is Article 282 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus said that the use of electric scooters on the streets violated and could be subject to fine fines in accordance with Article 104 of Law No. 22 of 2009.

Therefore, this electric scooter must be used in a certain place. Or, the user must meet requirements, such as age limits and use safety devices while driving.

"It was conveyed to the public that it could only be used in certain areas," said Yusri, in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 27.

Separately, the Head of the Transportation Agency, Syafrin Lupito, invited the police to do this. This is because, he said, the police have discretionary rights to take action against electric scooters in the bicycle lane, even though there was a Pergub.

"No, there is no conflict. The police have a principle of discretion. In certain cases they can take it," said Syafrin.

However, he explained, this is still temporary and does not rule out the possibility of electric scooters, whether rented or privately owned, can be used in the bicycle lane. This is because the related regulations are still in the drafting stage.

"We are currently discussing this, we are waiting for regulations related to individual transportation means which we are currently finalizing," said Syafrin.