Aria Bima Asks For The Inauguration Of Non-Dispute Regional Heads In The Constitutional Court Prioritized

Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI Aria Bima asked the government to prioritize the inauguration of elected regional heads in the 2024 Pilkada whose regions are not in dispute with the Constitutional Court (MK).

This is in response to the emergence of the discourse that the timing of the inauguration of the regional head will be postponed because it is waiting for the process of filing a dispute over the results of the 2024 Pilkada in a number of regions to be decided by the Constitutional Court.

"For areas that have no problems with the Constitutional Court, it should take precedence for the inauguration. Then only the problematic ones (in the Constitutional Court)," Aria told reporters, Friday, January 10.

According to Aria, the government must consider the effectiveness of local governments, from governance to the management of the regional expenditure income budget (APBD) during the leadership period of the new 2024 Pilkada results.

"So the sooner it will create a better government system in the understanding of the clarity of the role of each regional service task force, the clearer it will be to carry out various things related to the central government program as well," said Aria.

If waiting for the dispute over vote acquisition in the Constitutional Court to be completed, the schedule for the simultaneous inauguration of regional heads can only be carried out in the next few months. Considering that the Constitutional Court is targeting to read the decision on the 2024 Pilkada Election dispute (PHP) no later than March 11.

It doesn't stop there. Aria revealed that there is a possibility that the Constitutional Court will decide on a re-voting (PSU) in an area if the lawsuit is granted. If it is carried out, the schedule for the simultaneous inauguration of regional heads throughout Indonesia will be more delayed.

"So I propose that the inauguration of governors or mayors and regents nationally simultaneously needs to be considered. I mean this, simultaneously for those who do not have problems in the Constitutional Court," he explained.

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 80 of 2024 concerning Procedures for Inauguration of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, as well as Mayors and Deputy Mayors. In Presidential Decree 80/2024, the inauguration of governors and deputy governors is still set for February 7.

Meanwhile, the inauguration of elected regents and deputy regents, mayors and deputy mayors, from the results of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, is scheduled to be held on February 10, 2025.

However, recently, the Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Rifqinizamy Karsayuda revealed that there was a discourse that the inauguration would be postponed because the Constitutional Court would resolve all cases of dispute over the 2024 Simultaneous Presidential Election, to March 13, 2025.

"And the Constitutional Court will only issue all letters stating that there is no dispute with all governors, elected mayors after the PHPU is completed at the Constitutional Court," said Rifqinizamy, Thursday, January 2.

According to him, elected regional heads who do not have disputes in the Constitutional Court must wait for the completion of other regional PHPUs in the Constitutional Court so that the inauguration is held simultaneously.

"That is the basic principle of simultaneous regional elections. Therefore, those who are not disputed must wait for the completion of the disputed ones in the Constitutional Court," he added.