Minister Of Agriculture Amran Encourages Transmigrants To Transform Traditional Agriculture To Modern To Realize Food Self-Sufficiency

JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman encourages transmigrant farmers to carry out the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture in order to increase agricultural productivity so as to realize food self-sufficiency.
The Minister of Agriculture said that his party had collaborated with the Ministry of Transmigration (Kementrans) in an effort to support food self-sufficiency.
"We are building an agricultural cluster (together with transmigrants), building a new economic epicenter in the village, namely a modern agricultural cluster, the transformation of traditional agriculture towards modern agriculture," said the Minister of Agriculture in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 10.
He said that his party would take a holistic approach and the Ministry of Public Works would build housing facilities for transmigrant farmers, while the Ministry of Agriculture would print rice fields with modern agricultural tools and machinery facilities for transmigrants to use.
"So that the people who attended, as said by the Minister of Transmigration, farmers and transmigration, were more prosperous than when he left his hometown," he said.
"The keyword is that there is a new economic epicenter, there is prosperity so that people who transmigrate, millennials, generation Z feel comfortable," said the Minister of Agriculture.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Transmigration M. Iftitah Sulaiman Suryanagara revealed that the government is designing a transmigration program during a transition period with the aim of improving the quality of the workforce in transmigration areas.
In the initial plan, the government will carry out patriot transmigration, which prioritizes sending educated and trained people to transmigration areas, no longer those who do not have skills.
"We no longer send unskilled and uninvestigated people to transmigration areas, but we hope that those sent to transmigration areas are educated and truly trained," he said.
Iftitah explained that it takes about three to five years to produce educated and trained workers, including to prepare eligible school graduates.
The government has planned to send alumni of the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) who have a 2N+1 obligation to transmigration areas as part of the patriot transmigration strategy that is being developed.
It is known, 2N+1 is a condition of service that must be fulfilled by LPDP scholarship recipients, namely serving in Indonesia for two studies plus one year in a row.
However, Iftitah said that his party would still carry out regular transmigration recruitment, which would later be combined or hybrid with educated and trained workers from LPDP alumni.
"So we hope that this collaboration will also be in line, in line. We are also pursuing programs related to it," he said.
The Minister of Transmigration added that his party in principle has the same vision with the Minister of Agriculture regarding efforts to increase the income and welfare of the Indonesian people.
"So that transmigrants and farmers are no longer considered as second-class citizens, but God willing, they will become teacher supports from national development as a whole," said the Minister of Transmigration.