Experiencing Trauma, Cases Of Child Abuse In Garut Revealed After 2 Years

Garut Resort Police conducted an investigation into cases of bullying and sexual harassment of a girl by her peers in Garut Regency, West Java, which caused the victim to be disturbed by her psychological condition.

"Currently we are still investigating, examining witnesses and post-mortem, as soon as possible," said Head of the Garut Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Ari Rinaldo as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 10.

He said the incident of bullying and sexual harassment against the 12-year-old female victim occurred at the August 17 event in 2022 which was carried out by three women who were their seniors at school in Garut Regency.

The alleged perpetrator, who is still a child, he said, was based on reports from the victim of bullying by holding the victim's hand, then the perpetrator poked terung vegetables into his intimate parts with the victim still wearing pants.

The incident that happened to the victim, said Ari, was only revealed at this time after the victim's parents found out that their child was a victim of bullying and sexual harassment by a friend who was then reported to the Garut Police.

"It happened two years ago and we are currently very careful to examine the victim and the perpetrator who is still a minor," he said.

He conveyed that in handling the child case, the Garut Police involved a team from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) and also the Garut Regency Women and Children Protection Technical Implementation Unit (PPA) because the victims and perpetrators were children who had special rules in the legal process.

"We have asked for a post-mortem, we involve UPT PPA to provide psychological assistance, and invite KPAI to carry out the recovery of victims," he said.

The head of the Tasikmalaya Regional KPAI, which includes the Garut Regency task area, Ato Rinanto, said that his party is ready to provide assistance to victims and perpetrators in handling cases involving these children.

He conveyed that the current condition of the victim was not very healthy, so he needed intensive medical treatment, including that his psychological condition had to be restored in order to return to his normal activities.

"The victim is not as healthy as other friends, now it has been handled," he said.