The Ministry Of Public Works Is Ready To Inaugurate 6 Dams Earlier This Year, Here's The List

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works (PU) will inaugurate six dams spread across five provinces in early 2025.

PU Minister Dody Hanggodo said dams as one of the water resource infrastructures have an important role in realizing food self-sufficiency.

"We agree that water resource infrastructure is very important to support food self-sufficiency targets and therefore we will continue. We can see, for example, from dams, dams, then entering primary, secondary and tertiary irrigation to directly go to rice fields," said Dody in an official statement, quoted Thursday, January 9.

Based on data from the Ministry of Public Works, here is a list of 6 dams that are ready to be inaugurated:

1. Rukoh Dam

The Rukoh Dam is located in Pidie Regency, Aceh, and has a capacity of 128 million cubic meters.

This dam will irrigate an irrigation area of 11,950 hectares with a rice-padi-palawijia planting pattern and 300 percent planting intensity and reduce the potential for flooding by 89.62 percent.

In addition, this dam provides raw water of 0.90 cubic meters per second and has the potential for a 140 MW Solar Power Plant (PLTS).

The construction has been carried out in 2018-2024 with the cost of the state budget reaching Rp1.7 trillion.

2. Keureuto Dam

The Keureuto Dam is located in North Aceh Regency and has a capacity of 216 million cubic meters.

This dam is designed to irrigate 9,455 hectares of irrigation land, supply raw water 0.5 cubic meters per second for 5 sub-districts in North Aceh Regency and generate 6.34 MW of electricity while reducing flooding by 30 percent in North Aceh Regency.

This dam project was carried out in the period 2016-2024 at a state budget cost of IDR 2.73 trillion.

3. Jlantah Dam

The Jlantah Dam is located in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, and has a capacity of 10.97 million cubic meters.

This dam has benefits for irrigation covering an area of 1,494 hectares, flood reduction of 87 hectares, raw water of 0.1 cubic meters per second and electric potential of 0.6 MW.

The water infrastructure project was carried out in 2019-2024 with a budget of IDR 1.02 trillion.

4. Sidan Dam

The Sidan Dam in Bali has a capacity of 5.76 million cubic meters built in 2018-2024 with a budget of IDR 1.8 trillion.

This infrastructure has benefits for raw water of 1.75 cubic meters per second and the potential for a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) of 0.65 MW.

5. Marangkayu Dam

The Marangkayu Dam is located in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, has a capacity of 12.3 million cubic meters.

This dam has benefits for irrigation 1,500 hectares, raw water 0.45 cubic meters per second and the potential for PLTMH 135 kWh.

This dam was built in 2023-2024 with a budget of IDR 191.26 billion.

6. Meninting Dam

The Meninting Dam is located in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) which has a capacity of 12 million cubic meters.

This dam has irrigation benefits of 1,559 hectares, raw water of 0.15 cubic meters per second and electric potential of 0.8 MW.

This project was built in 2019-2024 with a budget of IDR 1.4 trillion.