Fruits And Vegetables Are Mandatory On The Menu Of School Children, Here Are The Benefits
JAKARTA - Fruits have an important role in supporting the health of school children. In addition to being a natural energy source, fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber that helps increase concentration, endurance, and maintain digestive health.
Another benefit is the antioxidant content in fruit that can protect the body from cell damage due to free radicals. By consuming fruit regularly, children can undergo learning activities more optimally and avoid various risk of disease.
Nutritionist from the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (PERSAGI), Dr. Rita Ramayulis, emphasized the importance of including fruit and vegetables in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program for students. This is mainly because some schoolchildren in Indonesia are at risk of developing anemia due to lack of red blood cells.
Based on data from the Indonesian Health Survey (SKI) by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) in 2024, 32 percent of teenagers aged 15-24 years were reported to have anemia.
For school children who are prone to anemia, the presence of folic acid in fruit and vegetables is very important. Folic acid is needed by the body to form hemoglobin, namely protein in red blood cells. By eating fruit and vegetables regularly, the risk of anemia can be minimized," explained Dr. Rita as quoted by ANTARA.
In addition to preventing anemia, fruits and vegetables contain various nutrients that help the body optimize the protein processing process into amino acids. With the support of vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables, the body can use amino acids more effectively.
The Vitamin C contained in fruit and vegetables also increases endurance. Children become more immune to disease, have sufficient energy, and better physical resistance," added Dr. Rita.
Not only that, fruits and vegetables also contribute to digestive health with fiber content. Fiber helps accelerate the digestive system, maintain the body's metabolism, and control blood pressure and glucose levels.
Meanwhile, regarding milk as part of the MBG program, Dr. Rita explained that milk must not be included if there are other sources of protein in the menu.
In balanced nutrition guidelines, milk is included in the animal protein group. Its presence is not absolute, provided there are alternative sources of protein such as chicken, fish, meat, or eggs. If milk is added, vegetable side dishes can still be a companion option," he explained.
By compiling a menu rich in balanced fruit, vegetables, and protein sources, school children not only get adequate nutrition but can also learn better and grow into a healthier generation.