Now ASN OPD Papua Can No Longer 'Wara-wiri' Get Out Of The City, Official Travel Until Eating Is Limited

JAYAPURA - Acting Governor of Papuavistra Limbong restricts official travel for every Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) as well as food and drink spending and others in the local environment, as an effort to increase budget efficiency.

"I have ordered the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) to make special travel efficiency for official trips, food and drink shopping and others," said Kosat in Jayapura, Papua, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 8.

According tovisia, the current budget of the Papuan provincial government must be focused and has a direct impact on the community.

"We all realize that regional fiscal capabilities are currently facing significant pressure after the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) so that rationalization should be carried out," he said.

ijes explained that the 2025 Papua APBD was set at IDR 2.506 trillion, down from the 2024 APBD. In addition, the Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Papua Province has also decreased, so it is necessary to rationalize the budget.

"Therefore, I ask that OPD be more creative, innovative and efficient in managing the budget," he said.

His party also invited Forkopimda to jointly develop its current potential to become a new economic source.

"In the future, I will conduct a total evaluation of all OPD performances, which is expected to improve the performance of these agencies in 2025," he said.

ijes explained that his party did not judge administrative accountability alone.

"Only the quality must also be assessed, of course the assessment of each OPD will be different," he said.