Anwar Usman Undergoes Treatment At The Hospital, The Constitutional Court Reschedules The 2024 Pilkada Dispute Session

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) has rescheduled the inaugural session of Panel 3 regarding the dispute over the election results of governors, regents, and mayors or regional election disputes in 2024. This reschedule was due to Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman who was undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Spokesperson for the Constitutional Court, Enny Nurbaningsih, said that Anwar Usman's health condition was being observed after an incident fell. However, Enny did not explain in detail the cause of the fall of the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

"Seharusnya sidang panel satu, dua, dan tiga dimulai pukul 08.00 WIB. Namun, Panel 3 harus dijadwalkan kembali karena kondisi Pak Anwar yang dirawat setelah kemarin jatuh," ujar Enny dalam keteranganya, Rabu pagi.

The first session of Panel 3, which was originally scheduled for 08.00 WIB, was postponed to 14.00 WIB, while the second session started at 19.00 WIB until around 22.00 WIB. This panel is chaired by Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat with Enny Nurbaningsih and Anwar Usman.

Since the trial quorum required the presence of three constitutional judges, the Constitutional Court decided to temporarily replace Anwar Usman's position with another constitutional judge who was not on trial.

"The panel must be attended by three judges. So, we are waiting for other judges who are not on duty to fill in temporarily. We are using the method of hoses until Pak Anwar recovers," explained Enny.

The inaugural trial of the 2024 Pilkada dispute began on Wednesday morning with a preliminary examination agenda to hear the petitioners' petition. The trial was held using a panel method:

The first panel was led by Suhartoyo with Daniel Yusmic Foekh and Guntur Hamzah. The second panel is led by Saldi Isra accompanied by Ridwan Mansyur and Arsul Sani. The third panel is led by Arief Hidayat accompanied by Anwar Usman and Enny Nurbaningsih.

Based on Constitutional Court Regulation Number 14 of 2024, the preliminary examination hearing is scheduled to take place on January 8'16, 2024. Furthermore, the trial to hear the KPU's answer as the respondent, the information of the relevant parties, and Bawaslu will be held on January 17, February 4, 2025.

To date, the Constitutional Court has registered 310 cases of regional election disputes in 2024, consisting of 23 cases of governor election, 238 cases of regents, and 49 cases of mayors.