Attorney General's Office Checks That The Managing Director Of A Digital Asset Selling Company Is Witness Of Asabri's Corruption

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) has examined four witnesses in the alleged corruption case of PT Asabri. One witness included the Director of PT Indodax Nasional Indonesia.

"(Witness) OAD as the Director of PT. Indodax Nasional Indonesia," said Head of the Legal Information Center of the AGO, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, in his statement, Friday, April 16.

PT Indodax Nasional Indonesia is a technology-based company that brings together the largest digital asset sellers and buyers in Indonesia.

As for the other three witnesses, among others, SH as a nominee, MM who is a private employee, and an employee of PT. Henan Putihrai Asset Management with the initials ACA.

The examination of them, said Leonard, was to seek and obtain information about the alleged corruption crime.

"The witness examination is carried out to provide information for the purpose of investigating a criminal case that he has heard himself, he has seen and experienced himself in order to find legal facts about the criminal act of corruption that occurred at PT Asabri," he said.

The Attorney General's Office has named nine suspects in investigating cases of suspected corruption in the management of finance and investment funds by PT. Indonesian Armed Forces Insurance (Asabri).

The nine suspects are the Managing Director of PT. Asabri for the period 2011 to March 2016 Major General Purn. Adam Rachmat Damiri, Managing Director of PT. Asabri for the period March 2016 July 2020 Lieutenant General Purn. Sonny Widjaja, Finance Director of PT. Asabri for the period of October 2008 June 2014 Bachtiar Effendi, as well as the Director of PT. Asabri for the period 20132014 and 20152019 Hari Setiono.

Next, the Head of the Investment Division of PT. Asabri July 2012-January 2017 Ilham W. Siregar, Managing Director of PT. Prima Network Lukman Purnomosidi, and Director of PT. Jakarta Issuer Investor Relations Jimmy Sutopo, Managing Director of PT. Hanson International Tbk. Benny Tjokrosaputro, and Commissioner of PT. Trada Alam Minera Heru Hidayat.

Benny and Heru are also involved in the corruption case at PT Asuransi Jiwasraya.

In addition, the Attorney General's Office also applied the money laundering crime (TPPU) article against three suspects, namely Benny Tjockrosaputro, Heru Hidayat, and Jimmy Sutopo.