The Judge Who Sentenced Ronald Tannur Ordered His Wife To Save Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars: Don't Break It

JAKARTA - The wife of the Surabaya District Court (PN) judge, Mangapul, who acquitted Gregorius Ronald Tannur, Marta Panggabean, was asked by her husband to save 36 thousand Singapore dollars.

This confession was conveyed when he testified in the case of alleged bribery and gratification of Gregorius Ronald Tannur's acquittal with the defendants Erintuah Damanik, Heru Hanindoyo, and Mangapul.

Berwala when Marta bagged a black bag in her husband's apartment unit after a search conducted by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

"After that we were in the apartment. Because the apartment had to be vacated immediately on November 7th. We had to get out. I can no longer be there, sir. We did find something there. In your black bag. But we keep it first," Marta said in a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Tuesday, January 7th.

Marta also conveyed the finding of the bag to her husband when she met for the second time. Then, Mangapul asked to keep the bag.

"Then we whispered to you in the second meeting. You 'let's keep it first. Don't break it," he said.

Hearing this testimony, the prosecutor began to investigate it by questioning the contents of the bag. Then, Marta said if there was money in it.

For the amount of money, Marta admitted that she did not know about it. However, it was stated that the money in the bag was a foreign valute, namely the Singapore dollar.

"Isinya ada uang juga. Hanya saya tidak berani melihatnya. Hanya sempat lintas saja di dalam tas warna hitam," ucapnya.

"I didn't count, sir. I was already scared," continued Marta.

Then, Marta brought the bag to Jakarta. Because, her husband asked that the bag containing the money be kept.

"You said, if you want to go back to Jakarta, take it. Save it well. That's what you said," he said.

About eight days later, Marta said that investigators from the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) were contacted. During the communication, it was stated that Mangapul wanted to meet.

"Well, we met with you after half an hour of travel. From Taman Mini. We met on the seventh floor," he said.

In that statement, Mangapul asked Marta to return the money in the bag. At that time, it was only known that the amount of money was around 36 thousand Singapore dollars.

"The father said that's what you brought back. Return it all. I have admitted that I don't want it. My soul is not calm. While crying you said. I don't want to. Return everything," said Marta.