Apply Healthy Eating Patterns, Simple Ways To Protect Families From Transmission Of The HMPV Virus

JAKARTA - In the midst of the increasing cases of the HMPV virus, not a few are worried about protecting themselves from the transmission of the virus.

To prevent this, internal medicine specialists from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) and Dr. National Central General Hospital. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) emphasized the importance of a nutritious diet to help improve the immune system.

There is not a single type of food that can completely prevent viral infection, but eating a balanced nutritious diet can help the immune system function optimally, explained Dr. Sukamto Koesnoe, SpPD, K-AI, an allergic and immunological consultant, as quoted by ANTARA.

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a virus that attacks respiratory tracts with flu-like symptoms, including coughs, fever, and nasal congestion.

Dr. Sukamto recommends food intake that is rich in vitamins C, D, E, and zinc to help strengthen endurance.

Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits such as oranges, lemons, kiwis, guava, papaya, strawberries, as well as vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes.

For vitamin D, Sukamto recommends consuming fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and macaques, as well as eggs, certified milk, and fungi as the source.

Good sources of vitamin E include nuts (such as peanuts, soybeans, and almonds), seeds such as sunflower seeds and labu seeds, as well as foods such as olive oil and avocado.

Meanwhile, zinc can be found in fat-free meat, seafood such asements and crabs, crab seeds, cashews, and whole grains.

Dr. Sukamto also recommends a regular diet by eating three meals a day in a balanced portion.

"Avoid processed foods, reduce excessive consumption of fried foods, and limit the use of sugar, salt, and fat. As much as possible, choose fresh foods," he said.

In addition, he recommends foods that contain natural probiotics such as yogurt, tempeh, tanggu, kefir, and kombucha (without additional sugar). To support endurance, spices such as ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, and temulawak can also be consumed.

Certain drinks can also help increase immunity, such as green tea, coconut water, or infused water with an additional lemon or lime. Fruit leaves without sugar and water at least 8 glasses a day are also recommended.

Dr. Sukamto added that a healthy diet needs to be balanced with regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, and maintaining ideal weight.