2 Examples Of Short Speech About Hygiene, Easy To Practice
YOGYAKARTA A short speech on cleanliness can increase people's awareness in maintaining cleanliness. Come on, look at the examples below.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), speech is a disclosure of thoughts in the form of words addressed to many people. In addition, speech can also be interpreted as a discourse prepared to be spoken in public.
Well, one of the ideas that can be conveyed is a hygiene speech. This theme is very suitable to be discussed and delivered in public.
The following is an example of a short speech on cleanliness that can be an inspiration to be conveyed at various events, both in schools, communities, and the community.
Example 1
Assalamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Innal hamdalillah, wassatu wassalamu ala rosulillah sayidina Muhammad ibdi Pratillah wa ala alihiwbimi wamawalah (amma badu).
The glorification of Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah, with Allah's permission we can gather at this mosque. Hopefully, our gathering here is a pious charity so that we can stand up for such pious deeds. God hopes that Allah will make the next day in our lives better than today. God willing.
My beloved advice, cleanliness has a big role in maintaining the health of the body and mind. A clean environment helps prevent the spread of disease, such as dengue fever, respiratory tract infections, and skin disease. By maintaining cleanliness, we also contribute to creating a comfortable and pleasant environment for yourself and others.
In Islam, maintaining cleanliness is part of faith. The Prophet SAW teaches his people to always maintain cleanliness, such as throwing garbage in its place, washing hands before eating, and cleaning the bedroom every day. This not only keeps the body healthy, but also creates good habits that reflect our faith.
I convey this short speech. Hopefully what I have said is useful and can be carried out. At the end of my fortune, I would like to thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Example 2
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahilladzi arsala ibadahu bil HUda wadinil haqq, liyudzhirahu aladdini kullihi, wakafa billahi syahiidaa. Asyhadu alla illalallah. Wa asyhadu anna muhammadarusuhullah. Allahumma shalli ala sayyidina muhammadin waa alih washahbihi ajmain. Amma badu.
Be happy, let us continue to praise Allah for his blessings, Allah still gives us the opportunity to attend this noble event.
Ladies and gentlemen, maintaining cleanliness for yourself and others is a good example for those closest to you. Therefore, let's be clean so that we can be an example for the people around us. The more affected, the better the effect on the earth too.
By maintaining cleanliness, people can save the earth from accumulated waste and pollution.
Awareness of the importance of maintaining cleanliness needs to be instilled from an early age. Cleaning education in schools can be the first step to create a generation that cares about the environment. Thus, the value of cleanliness will become a culture that continues to be preserved.
Hopefully this short speech can encourage you to keep your hygiene even better. End of time, Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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