Abortion Case In Dompu NTB, Police Call The Perpetrators Buy 6 Pills Worth IDR 1.25 Million

NTB - Mataram City Police (Polresta) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) handled the abortion case of a midwife student with the initials RAY (26) from Dompu Regency.

Head of the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Mataram Police Satreskrim, Iptu Eko Ari Prasetya, said that his party handled this case based on the results of the field findings.

"So, from the findings, we are still conducting an investigation," said Iptu Eko in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, January 7, as reported by Antara.

He explained that the handling of this case began with field information on Monday, January 6 at around 22.00 WITA.

The police then followed up on the information by visiting the location in one of the boarding rooms in the Karang Jambu area, Mataram City.

"When the team came to the location, it was found that the alleged perpetrator of RAY was weak and covered in blood in his boarding house," he said.

From the room of the alleged perpetrator, the police also found a fetus that was already in the form of a baby with a umbilical cord still in its condition.

Based on these findings, the police immediately contacted the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital and evacuated the alleged perpetrator to the Mataram City Regional General Hospital.

"The results of the examination at the location of the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital, the baby has died with a gestational age of 6 months, female and the perpetrator gave birth by taking pills to speed up childbirth," he said.

The pill, which was suspected to be the trigger for the delivery, had Cytotec. From the scene of the incident, the police confiscated 2 pills.

"There is also evidence that we confiscated at the location which is suspected to be related to the actions of the alleged perpetrators of having an abortion, such as a glass covered in blood and a knife that was allegedly used to cut the umbilical cord," he said.

Regarding the alleged perpetrator who was evacuated to the Mataram City Hospital, Eko confirmed that RAY had received medical treatment after giving birth.

"The results of coordination with the Mataram City Hospital that the perpetrators who have received medical treatment after birth can be brought to undergo interrogation at the police station," he said.

From the results of the initial interrogation, the alleged perpetrator admitted to getting the Cytotec pill from an unknown person.

"He bought Rp1.25 million for 6 pills. What we found was 2 pills left, there were allegations that he had taken 4 pills," he said.

Now the alleged perpetrator has been detained at the Mataram Police Satreskrim PPA Unit to undergo further examination of the alleged violation of Article 77 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law no. 23/2022 concerning Child Protection.

"So, due to this case, we are still investigating. Later, from the results of the examination of the evidence found in the field, we will conduct a case title to determine the steps to the investigation stage," he said.