Airing January 9, Ketindihan Film Presents Stories That Are In Accordance With Indonesian People

JAKARTA - The beginning of 2025, the Indonesian film industry will again have the presence of a horror film entitled Ketindihan. This film will be shown in cinemas throughout Indonesia on January 9, 2025.

The film Ketindihan tells the story of a tennis athlete named Tania (Haico Van Der Veken), who lives to realize her father's dream of winning a tennis championship. However, in the process a disturbance emerged which he initially considered imaginary.

The disturbance was in the form of chaos and mystical terror that emerged after one of his friends died of suicide. Tania was also disturbed by a jinn who is a myth from Aceh, namely Beuno.

Since then, Tania's life is a supernatural disorder that continues to terrorize her. She also has to face family problems and relationships with toxic couples.

The screenwriter, Widi Lestari, said the film Ketindihan presents a story related to the Indonesian people about the myth of diversity. On the other hand, this film also presents issues that are also close to life.

"Temanya itu berbeda, dari horor lain. Ini feelinya lebih urban, relatasi bangka. Terus kali pertama develop konsepnya, menarik sekali karena layernya banyak. Ini sesuatu yang benar dekat dan banyak mengalami hal seperti itu," kata Widi Lestari saat konferensi pers di kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, pada Senin, 6 Januari 2025.

The director, Dyan Sunu Prastowo, said the film Ketindihan gave something different. He believes that the film could be an interesting year-on-year spectacle for the Indonesian people.

The point is that we want to make films that have different treatments. At the beginning of the year, we believe this film can be an interesting spectacle and something different from Indonesian horror films," said Dyan Sunu Prastowo.

Meanwhile, Ketindihan stars a number of well-known Indonesian actors. Starting from Haico Van Der Veken, Kevin Ardilova, Ali Fikry, Donny Damara, Wulan Guritno, Zee Shahab, and others.