Meeting The Minister Of Manpower, Minister Of Industry Agus Discusses Job Creation To The Industrial Sector Vulnerable To Pressure

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita received a visit from the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Yassierli at the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) office today.

Agus said, there were several things discussed at the meeting. First, how can the government create jobs from the manufacturing sector.

"Secondly, we are discussing how we can provide training related to so-called labor productivity," Agus said at the Ministry of Industry's office, Jakarta, Monday, January 6.

Moreover, Agus said, Minister of Manpower Yassierli has been appointed as the head of the Steering Team based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 123 concerning the National Productivity Institute.

"There are several studies that say that labor productivity in Indonesia must be improved so that we can attract more candidates (investors) to Indonesia. I'm not saying that our labor productivity is bad, but if we can improve it will be better," he said.

"For example, the average production country is 2 days and 1 unit, if we can push it to 1 day. This means that the efficiency of the production process through our labor productivity can be achieved. Labour productivity is also an important part to create competitiveness and competitiveness," he continued.

Third, discussions about industrial sectors that are vulnerable to future pressures and sectors that have a higher potential to grow.

"We also mapped out of 40 companies that absorb the most workers in Indonesia. That will be our concern, including per sector we have mapped. This sector is anyone and which sector is the spearhead of employment in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Manpower Yassierli admitted that this meeting had been planned since last year. Because, he said, the meeting was important for the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) to manage employment in Indonesia.

"Perpetit was conveyed earlier that we, the Ministry of Manpower, actually need data related to the condition of the manufacturing industry and we saw earlier that the data was fully available, how is the progress per month for industries and which are expansion and contractions," said Yassierli.

Furthermore, said Yassierli, his party also has a request to form a national productivity institution. This is part of the mandate of Presidential Decree Number 123 concerning the National Productivity Institution.

"So, we need more technical support and talks on how we can initiate, intensify and roll out a movement to increase national productivity, especially in the manufacturing context," Yassierli explained.

In addition, he continued, his party also asked the Ministry of Industry for support in providing an overview to the Ministry of Manpower regarding Indonesia's manufacturing sector in the future.

"Because we at the Ministry of Manpower have a responsibility to prepare the workforce in the future and we need the Ministry of Industry's insight for what the profile looks like. So, which part of the competency gap is large, we make it a focus," said Yassierli.

"God willing, we often meet, so this is an extraordinary performance in the Red and White Cabinet," he concluded.