8,667 Students In 39 Schools In Bogor Regency Receive Free Nutrition Food
BOGOR - Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab), West Java, launched a free nutritious eating program (MBG) in 39 schools simultaneously on Monday 6 January. A total of 8,667 students became beneficiaries in the early stages of this program.
Secretary of the Bogor Regency Government Education Office, Nina Nurmasari, explained that the implementation of the free nutritious eating program was supported by three kitchens or the Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) spread across several regions.
The details, first, Sukahati Kitchen, Cibinong will serve 2,916 students from eight schools. Second, Bojongkoneng Kitchen, Babakanmadang will serve 2,780 students from 16 schools. Third, Pancawati Kitchen, Caringin will Serve 2,971 students from 15 schools.
Nina added that the free nutritious food program will be expanded gradually to cover all 500,000 students in Bogor Regency, along with the addition of supporting infrastructure.
"We assist schools in monitoring their implementation, while technical implementation is handled directly by the National Nutrition Agency," explained Nina.
Acting (Pj) Bogor Regent Bachril Bakri ensured the readiness of three SPPG kitchens to support the free nutritious eating program. He also emphasized that the Bogor Regency Government will continue to support this national program.
"This program is a concrete step from Pak Prabowo Subianto and Pak Gibran Rakabuming Raka to improve the nutrition of Indonesian children. We are ready to fully support it," said Bachril.
The number of beneficiaries will continue to increase along with the development of the SPPG kitchen by the National Nutrition Agency. The free nutritious eating program is expected to be a solution to improve the quality of nutrition and health of children in Bogor Regency.