Who Is Luhut Binsar Panjaitan?

JAKARTA - The whisper of his wife on the day before the inauguration reminded Luhut Panjaitan, that he will soon be 77 years old, quite old. However, this did not stop Luhut from undergoing his second season with the Forward Indonesia Cabinet, Jokowi-Ma'ruf for the 2019-2024 period. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan is the last name called in the minutes of injury time for the president to the State Palace. This time he was appointed with additional management of the foreign investment sector so that his position became Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment in Indonesia.

After Isha's call to prayer rang out, Luhut arrived in a white shirt with black pants. It took only 20 minutes to interpret what the president expected from him. Luhut is one of the retired figures in the Indonesia Maju cabinet with Prabowo Subianto, Fachrul Razi, and Tito Karnavian.

"Maybe I will not be like Mahathir Mohamad who is still fit for the size of a 92 year old senior."

Luhut Binsar Panjaitan

Luhut Muda and Prabowo Subianto

Kota Kembang, Bandung was his choice when he was studying at Penabur High School. His decision to follow in his father's footsteps made the National Military Academy in Magelang, Central Java, the next phase of education.

After graduating with the title of best graduate in 1970, young Luhut began his career in the Special Forces Cooperative unit (Kopassus) in 1976. This is where he got to know and be close friends with his junior, Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo.

Not many public in this country know that Luhut has always been good friends with Prabowo. Work hand in hand to raise the Kopassus alma mater to make the big name Kopassus one to be reckoned with among other elite forces in the world. Luhut who is four years older than Prabowo is 'Abang', a typical military term to describe those who are older. Seroja's operation against Fretilin in East Timor had Luhut and Prabowo's contribution to it.

Both are trusted to represent the TNI in various international military trainings, such as West Germany and the Netherlands. Young Luhut is lucky to have received military training with the National Defense University in the United States. Young Luhut has recorded 11 times, 8 times in the United States, 1 time in England, and 2 times in West Germany. Naturally, he will be predicated as the best graduate.

After young Luhut returned with Prabowo from West Germany after studying at the GSG-9 Elite Police, Luhut could be said to be a crucial figure for the birth of the Kopassus Anti-Terrorist Detachment 81 which we know as Sat-81 / Gultor.


Abang Luhut, who has the rank of Major, was the first commander accompanied by the younger brother of Captain Prabowo Subianto as deputy commander of Detachment 81. Young Luhut was also noted as the first person as well as the founder of the Rajawali project at the BAIS ABRI Strategic Intelligence Center.

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Although young Luhut's career stuck only at the position of Commander of the Special Forces Education Center (Pusdikpassus), he has actually been rewarded with many positive achievements through the best title. Starting from the best Military Resort Commander in Indonesia when he was DanKorem in Madiun, East Java. The best Commander of the Combat Task Force when he cleared Fretilin separatists in East Timor. In addition, he is the best graduate of the Infantry Branch Basic Course, Command Course, to Airborne Course.

LB Moerdani's instincts began to catch young Luhut's achievements, until he was considered one of Moerdani's golden boys. Luhut also agreed that he had indeed taken many important lessons from his mentor, who was also the president's right hand man, Soeharto.

March 1983, ahead of the MPR General Session. The incident that destroyed the friendship between Abang Luhut and Prabowo's younger brother was no longer as enjoyable as yesterday. The sudden instruction on combat alert, which Luhut had never known before, suddenly came out of the mouth of Captain Prabowo, who is also the President's son-in-law, Prabowo's initiative on the counter-coup instruction is said to have been based on the threat of a coup within ABRI against the President.

Prabowo's argument turned out to be based on wiretapping communications and the distribution of large supplies of heavy weapons at the TNI Headquarters, the counter-coup instructions were also followed up by 'securing' high-ranking officers suspected of being involved, Lt. Gen. LB Benny Moerdani, Marshal Ginandjar Kartasasmita and Lt. Gen. Moerdiono.

Major Luhut clearly rejected it, because it went too far beyond the boundaries of the military organizational structure, could not be justified and heeded, Luhut felt obliged to report to his superiors at that time, Colonel Sintong Pandjaitan. A friction in the internal body of ABRI finally broke the friendship between Luhut and Prabowo, and Luhut's fate got worse after President Soeharto's denials.

De-benny-sasi, a term by professor Salim Said that describes the process of cleansing the military world from connection to the influence of Benny Moerdani, who was no longer Suharto's trust.

Luhut young's highest position took place in 1995 when he was Commander of the Madiun 081 / Dhirotsaha Jaya Korem in Madiun, East Java. He is one of the generals who have never felt the status of being a commander and such a prestigious position in the TNI.

"Never mind the position of Pangdam (KODAM Commander), I have never experienced the position of Kasdam (Chief of Military Command)," he said honestly about his career journey.

You could say, even though he was rewarded with many of the best awards, Luhut's young brilliance took place outside the military world afterward.

Luhut in Military Then Politics

It is commonplace in the political world cycle of this Republic, those who used to grow up in the military world then switched status to politics, Luhut is one of them. Luhut was indeed a diplomatic parade, at the beginning of the Reformation era in 1999 Luhut was sent by the president BJ Habibie to represent this nation as the Full Ambassador of Indonesia to Singapore, in the first three months he succeeded in returning Indonesia's relations with Singapore back to normal, warmly improving. a year served because the change of president took place, BJ Habibie was replaced by Abdurrahman Wahid, Gus Dur.

Luhut did not hesitate to step down, he even expanded when he was appointed by Gus Dur as Minister of Industry and Trade of the Indonesian United Cabinet, as the heating up of the national political climate caused a moment of impeachment towards Gus Dur, which automatically affected the composition of the Cabinet, Luhut was affected.

Luhut started active party organizations through Golkar, Golongan Karya, when he was on hiatus for three years in politics, in 2004 he started his business under the name PT. Toba Sejahtera, engaged in mining, oil, plantations and electricity, maybe this is the factor that has boosted Luhut's financial coffers, which recorded LHKPN per 2015 that his wealth is around 660 billion rupiah.

His choice to leave the Golkar party was because his choice to support the presidential candidate Jokowi in 2014 had sweet fruit, his intuition was right with standing on the side of Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi considered Luhut's actions worthy of being the first Chief of Staff of the Presidency, a new division in the Working Indonesia Cabinet.

Not a year passed, in August 2015 he was transferred to fill the post as Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, replacing Tedjo Edhy Purdjiatno who was hit by a cabinet reshuffle. The following year, right in July 2016, Luhut transferred to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, as Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs.

The second time Jokowi is elected, Luhut is assigned to the same Ministry but has one more task to take care of foreign investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan is the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment for the next five years, 2019-2024.

Luhut Responds to Chinese Investments and Issues

The greater extent of China's hegemony in the hands of President Xi Jinping's lifetime leadership also has an effect on how the global political climate, including Indonesia. The high intensity of China's role in various fields with Indonesia dragged Luhut's role, which the public connotes as a figure close to the Chinese government. In fact, Luhut revealed that the asbun public, as long as the voice thinks, sees the term investment as merely money without examining what the rules of the game are clearly stated in the law.

"People say, Luhut is a Chinese agent, there are others who say I am the Honorary Ambassador of China, who only speaks asbun (from sound)," he argued. The explanation is straightforward that foreign investment must have credible information and mathematical calculations, the language of the soldiers: identification must apply, where the money is coming from.

"Actually, it's not just China, there is Muhamamd Bin Salman from Saudi Arabia, there is the United Arab Emirates, China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore, so it's not just China, that's not true," defended firmly.

Luhut's argument is that national interest is a priority, anyone wants to invest in Indonesia, it just so happens that China has been dominating recently. As a result, Luhut admitted that from the start he was ready to be perceived negatively regarding the Chinese issue.

Family in the Eyes of Luhut

Takdir Luhut was born as the eldest child among five siblings, the father Bonar Panjaitan was just a soldier who chose to retire early at the age of 47 years then switched the wheel as a bus driver to sustain his family's breath, the mother was just an ordinary woman who never finished her elementary school.

Luhut's disposition, which is easy to recognize as a figure who looks cold, closed and fierce, was justified by his men when they described Luhut when the Seroja Operation broke out in East Timor, they were better off meeting Fretilin than Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.

However, in contrast to talking about his extended family, something that is priceless in his life, his figure drastically turns around as Luhut who is warm, open, and tends to be religious.

Blessed with four children with Devi Simatupang his wife, Paulus, David, Paulina and Kerri, the best thing in Luhut's life. Two people in his extended family followed Luhut as a military officer, Paulus the eldest son, becoming one of three Indonesian officers who graduated with excellent results through the US Army Commanding General and Staff College / US Army CGSC, a SESKOAD-style education for the United States in Kansas. His ex is Maruli Simanjuntak, the Paspampres commander with the rank of Brigadier General who is tasked with securing the daily life of President Jokowi.

Luhut spit the story of his extended family without hesitation through his official Facebook and Instagram accounts, because of his openness about the story, the public just found out that Faye Simanjuntak is Luhut's oldest granddaughter, the millennial girl nominated by Forbes Indonesia as the most influential young person 2020 under 30 years of age, 30 under 30 2020 .

Together with Yasonna Laoly and Juliari Batubara, Luhut is the three ministerial figures in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Indonesia Maju Cabinet, originally from the land of North Sumatra. Luhut reflected the strong culture and emotional attachment to his homeland in the world of education by building the DEL Information Polytechnic College in Laguboti, North Sumatra.

It was not enough, he added his activeness to the HKBP Nommensen Foundation. Luhut's great contribution made Nommensen University, which is located in Bonapasogit, finally having a new medical faculty to complement other faculties.

Interesting Facts Luhut Binsar Panjaitan It turns out that he has a dream for Indonesia to build its own nuclear weapons, optimism is expressed because a nation as big as Indonesia can certainly build nuclear weapons. Four stars on his shoulders were obtained when he was Minister of Industry and Trade in the era of Abdurrahman Wahid's president, Gus Dur. The decision to place Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahja Purnama as Commissioner of Pertamina, based on Ahok's performance and distinctive style, is believed to be able to solve problems in the BUMN sector. Young Luhut was active as an athlete in swimming, judo, karate and skydiving. He once defended Riau province through swimming sports. Profile of Luhut Binsar Panjaitan

Full name: Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.

Place, Date of Birth: Simargala, Tapanuli, North Sumatra, 28 September 1947.

Profession: Military (retired), politician.

Religion: Protestant.

Partner: Devi Simatupang.


Magelang Military Academy, 1970. Penabur High School, Bandung, West Java.

Career Journey:

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet (2019-present). Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs of the Indonesian Cabinet for Work (2016-2019). Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Indonesian Cabinet for Work (2015-2016). Indonesian Presidential Chief of Staff for the Indonesian Working Cabinet (2014-2015). Deputy Chairman of the DPP Golongan Karya Party (2008-2014). Minister of Industry and Trade (2000-2001). Indonesian Ambassador to the Plenipotentiary of Singapore (1999-2000). Commander of Education and Training of the Indonesian Army, Bandung, West Java. Korem Commander, Madiun, East Java. Commander of the Infantry Armament Center, Bandung, West Java. First Commander of Detachment 81 (Detachment for Counter Terrorism (Gultor) 81). Operations Assistant for Kopassus Headquarters. Commander of the Kopassus Education Center, Batujajar, Bandung, West Java. Kopassus (Special Forces Command).


Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, contribution to Social Development (2011). Award of the Indonesian National Sports Committee as the best National Sports Development (2006). Best Commander of Military Resort (Danrem) in Indonesia (1995). Military Service Signs: 8 years of loyalty, 16 years of loyalty, Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Achievement and Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Nararya. Adhi Makayasa as the best graduate of the Army National Military Academy (AKABRI) (1970). Yudha Dharma Nararya star. Kartika Eka Paksi III's Star Achievement. Satya Badge Nararya III. Satya Badge of Loyalty XXV. Satya Badge GOM VIII / Dharma. Satya Enforcer Badge. Satya Badge Seroja. Satya Badge Garuda VIII. Satya Badge Dwidya Sistha. Satya UN Badge.