Idap Anxiety, Dimas Aditya Plans To Retire From Acting At The Age Of 45

JAKARTA - Dimas Aditya celebrity has planned to retire from acting at the age of 45. He said that there was a feeling of fatigue continuing to work in the film industry.

"The plan is to (don't stop), (at the age of) 45 years," said Dimas Aditya in the Bekasi area, West Java, Saturday, January 4.

Previously, Dimas was not sure about doing this, but after talking with a senior actor he seemed more and more convinced to take a break.

"So actually 10th then I met a senior player, I don't know if he's still healthy, but he said he has to have a plan for this," said Dimas Aditya.

"Because this can't be the next time, if it's for a pity agency. I just thought about it when I was sick," he continued.

Not to mention, Tika Brahani's husband is battling the anxiety he is facing and has to undergo treatment in Penang, Malaysia.

Dimas said that the illness he was suffering from was also caused by an irregular filming schedule.

"Yes, it turns out to be like an accumulation of lifestyles and lifestyles. Maybe shooting is always until morning, then I'm the one who doesn't take care of eating, and also come home from filming and sleep carelessly, it's only felt now," explained Dimas Aditya.

Therefore, Dimas hopes that later he can stop completely. He admitted that he was not afraid to lose his fortune. For him, sustenance can come from anywhere.

"I don't know yet, but I want it (to be completely discontinued). The sustenance is regulated by God," he said.