Chronology Of Ashanty Employees Become Victims Of Sexual Harassment
Singer Ashanty Hermansyah could not hide her frustration with a man who was suspected of being the perpetrator of sexual harassment against his employee's child.
"I still cover up your face, but if it is proven in the police, I will definitely open it. Even though I already know that the perpetrators are heinous and barbaric, I still comply with the applicable legal process!" Ashanty wrote as quoted by VOI from Instagram @ashanty_ash, Sunday, January 5.
Tragically, Ashanty revealed that the perpetrator sexually abused children under the age of 10.
"This predator commits sexual violence against minors as young as 10 years and under, the barbaric basis," he continued.
One of the victims is the child of his employee who has been a victim for 3 years.
"This happened to my employees' children who worked at my house for years, and you did this barbaric thing to your children from grade 2 elementary school until now it has been 3 years," said Ashanty.
Furious with the perpetrator's actions, Ashanty immediately reported this incident to the Sukabumi Police for immediate treatment.
He hopes that the perpetrators can be severely punished because for him it has damaged the future of Indonesian children.
"Hopefully these predators will get a very severe punishment, because they destroy the future of Indonesian children. We don't know what the future effects will be for these children," he said.