Xiaomi SU7 Electric Car Gets New Touch Of Color Special Edition, Look More Striking

JAKARTA - Xiaomi, a technology company from China that also takes part in the environmentally friendly vehicle segment, has succeeded, with its first car model, the SU7 sedan.

Quoting from the CNevpost page, Saturday, January 4, the Chinese brand announced that it would present a special exterior color, namely red for the SU7 model, as a limited edition color to commemorate its 15th anniversary.

"This limited color SU7Xiaomi has started to be available for sale on the Xiaomi EV application as of January 1 Beijing time," Xiaomi tweeted on the Weibo page.

It is important to note that those who want to get red must spend another 9,000 yuan or around Rp. 20 million, this price is higher than other optional colors which only touch 7,000 yuan or around Rp. 15 million.

Those who are interested in the color of this special edition must be patient because it is still in the production stage, and it is hoped that it will be available starting February 2025.

As is known, Xiaomi already has plans to enter the environmentally friendly car market since 2021, and in 2023, precisely December the car was introduced and officially launched on March 28, 2024.

This electric sedan comes with three variants starting from the base, pro and max. For the lowest variant it is priced at 215,900 yuan or the range of Rp474 million which has a distance of 700 km, besides that the middle variant is priced at 245,900 yuan or the range of Rp540 million which has a distance of 830 km, and the highest touched the figure of 299,900 yuan.