M. Shadows Reveals The Difficulty Of Avened Sevenfold Making Money From Tours
JAKARTA - The vocalist of the Averaged Sevenfold (A7X), Matt Sanders alias M. Shadows revealed the reality experienced while on a post-pandemic tour. He said there was an increase in travel costs that made it difficult for the band to make money from the tour.
Shadows said a band like A7X spent more money because it had to work with the best crew while on tour.
"It's really crazy because when you get to our level everyone on the crew is 'list A' and they are all pulled in a different direction, so they all need a lot of money," Shadows said during a recent interview with Bradley Hall.
With what happened with A7X and what was seen from several other bands, Shadows believes many bands have difficulty making money from tours.
More trucks, more drivers, more gasoline, more travel. And we've seen a lot of bands cancel the tour. You'll see more," said Shadows.
Karena saya tahu tempat kami berada. Saya tahu apa yang kami menghasilkan. Dan saya tahu itu sangat sulit bagi kami, lanjutnya.
The 43-year-old vocalist said the difficulty could be overcome if the band appeared for several nights in one place, without having to move to other cities at long distances.
"Unless you can really put something together that keeps you in one city and doesn't move much and keeps you in places where you can play for a few nights somewhere," said Shadows.
"The main reason we go to all these different countries is because we can go to the same country and make a little or no money at all, or we can go to a new country and make a little or no money at all. So the idea is, "Let's develop this band."