Safe Guidelines To Avoid Risk When Using AI Chatbots

JAKARTA - Cybercrime and AI technology has grown rapidly throughout 2024. To that end, Kaspersky shared tips for using AI assistants safely.

Over the past year, the use of AI has evolved from a new trend to being part of life, especially after AI assistants became smartphone features.

Given that AI is now completely in the palm of your hand, it's a good idea to understand the rules for using chatbots that are safe to protect yourself and others from danger:

Double-check AI's advice especially when asking for information about drugs, investments, or other questions whose errors can be fatal. Chatbot is known to be "smoothinating", so never follow advice without filtering it.

Deactivating the AI feature unless you know its uses. "smart" excitement encourages companies to integrate AI even when it is not needed.

The most striking example is the launch of the controversial Recall feature in Windows 11, which constantly takes screenshots for AI analysis. Disable AI if you don't use it actively," Kaspersky said.

Never provide personal information to AI. Document photos, passport details, financial and medical information almost never need AI to function properly.

Given that the data can be stored for a long time and used for AI training, it's even better not to upload the data from the start.

Don't chat with family and friends via AI. Such automation is rarely useful and won't help maintain closeness.