Golkar Suspects There Is A PDIP Scenario Regarding Jokowi's Name In The OCCRP Version Of Corrupt Leaders List

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party suspects that there is a scenario from PDIP regarding the name of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who is included in the list of finalists for the most corrupt version of the Organizationized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).

Coordinator of the Golkar Party Cadre Coalition (KKPG), Ahmad Yani Panjaitan, stated that the data released by the OCCRP should be suspected as slander and propaganda that is not based on valid evidence.

He emphasized that until now there have been no reports or charges related to alleged corruption involving President Jokowi who entered the KPK or AGO investigators.

"Until now, there has not been a single report or indictment submitted to KPK investigators or the AGO who reported the alleged corruption of President Jokowi. However, why can OCCRP release the list?" he said in a written statement, Thursday, January 2.

Ahmad Yani Panjaitan suspects that this OCCRP data is related to the attacks that have been continuously launched on the PDIP elite for various alleged corruption cases being handled by the KPK and the AGO.

According to him, this is almost similar to the polemic surrounding Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning VAT, which was originally driven by PDIP so that VAT rose to 12 percent, but the one who was blamed was the Prabowo administration.

He also revealed that during the Jokowi administration, a number of major corruption cases were suspected of involving PDIP elements or close people of the PDIP who were part of Jokowi's main supporting party.

One of them is the alleged involvement of people close to PDIP in the alleged corruption case of the BTS Bhakti Kominfo project, as well as allegations of online gambling deposits involving PDIP personnel related to the Pertamina pipeline project in the Rokan Block.

"In the era of Jokowi's administration, many major corruption cases were suspected of involving PDIP personnel. This further strengthens the suspicion that this OCCRP data is an order to discredit Jokowi," he said.

Furthermore, Ahmad Yani Panjaitan stated that the accusations made by the OCCRP against Jokowi were part of an effort to distract from allegations of corruption involving PDIP elements.

"This is an attempt to discredit and blacklist President Jokowi in order to cover up allegations of corruption cases involving PDIP elements," he concluded.

Previously, President Jokowi gave a firm response regarding his name on the OCCRP version of the finalist list of the most corrupt leaders. Jokowi challenged those who accused him of proving the allegations.

"What kind of corruption, hahahaha. What kind of corruption is Sing proven," said Jokowi when met at his residence in Solo, Tuesday.

Jokowi admitted that he did not hear the news and questioned the criteria used by the OCCRP to include it in the list. "Yes, what, what, what culture, let alone?" he said.

Jokowi emphasized that there were many accusations and malicious framing that were made without clear evidence. "Yes, now there are a lot of slanders, a lot of evil framing, a lot of accusations without any evidence," said Jokowi.