Getting To Know January Blues, Conditions To Watch Out For At The Beginning Of The Year

YOGYAKARTA - Everyone in the world makes the beginning of the new year a moment of celebration. Many of them expressed their good hopes and plans for the next year. However, do you know, there are also people who feel sad in January and this phenomenon is called the January Blues. Well, for those of you who don't know the January blues, look at the full review below.

The phenomenon that appears in the Northern Hemisphere arrives in the dark morning and at night faster. In 2023, the day falls on Monday, January 16, when post-Christmas sadness blends with a cold dark night.

Reporting from The Sun, most scientists believe that this problem is related to the way the body responds to the sun. Alison Kerry of the Mental Health Charity Agency, MIND explains that there is a theory that reveals how the light that enters the eyes results in changes in hormone levels in the body.

"In our bodies, light functions to stop the production of melatonin sleep hormones, making us wake up," he said.

Patients are thought to be affected by shorter days of winter. Their bodies produce higher melatonin hormones, resulting in lethargicity and symptoms of depression.

For further explanation, the characteristics below are generally felt.

Although the January Blues do not include mental health disorders and do not interfere with daily activities, the characteristics of people with the January Blues are as follows:

If you start to feel sad and lethargic in January, you can try the methods below:

Sleeping at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning will help stabilize the internal clock and allow you to wake up feeling fresh and full of positive energy.

Sunlight is an unlimited source of vitamin D and is something very important for our bodies.

You can try eating foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish, egg yolk, mushrooms, and foods such as milk, juice, and Goodminton enriched in vitamin D.

Sports releases the endorphins that are known to increase mood and energy. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day for five days a week can increase energy and mood.

Lack of sunlight in winter can consume vitamin D deposits. Although the daily dose of vitamin D is best obtained from food and sunlight, consuming vitamin D supplements every day is the best way to improve mood during the months of the January Blues winter.

Well, now you already know the January blues. Conditions like this can be experienced by anyone. However, no need to worry, if you have any symptoms towards the January Blues condition, you should do small things that are positive to improve your mood. After that, then rethink big plans for this year. Good luck! Visit to get other interesting information.