Benefits Of Bathing Before Dawn That Can Be Obtained

YOGYAKARTA - Bathing before dawn or also known as the dawn shower, has become a habit that has been done since ancient times by many people. In addition to being an obligation to clean the ritual in religion, bathing before dawn also provides many health benefits that are scientifically proven. Most studies have shown the benefits of bathing before dawn so that it has a positive impact on the body, both physically and mentally.

In Islam, bathing before dawn prayers is a part of the procedure of worship. The Prophet SAW also advised his people to take a bath before dawn prayers. This concludes that bathing before dawn is not just a religious ritual, but also provides great health benefits. The companions of the Prophet and the previous scholars were also known to be diligent in bathing before dawn, which is said to be one of the factors that made them endowed with a long life.

There are many benefits of bathing before dawn described in various studies and health literature. The benefits you can get include:

Cold bath water can stimulate the production of white blood cells, which function in fighting infections and disease. With good immune system, the body will be better able to fight various diseases and infections.

Some of the results of the study conclude, for those who often experience muscle aches, bathing before dawn can be an effective solution. Cold bath water can help relieve muscle aches, so the body will feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Cold bath water can also stimulate the senses, so that the senses will become more alert and active throughout the day. In addition, bathing before dawn can also stimulate the adrenal glands, which function in regulating the body's energy.

Skin is the largest organ that humans have, and its care is very important. Bathing before dawn can help improve skin health. Cold bath water can help tighten skin pores, so that the skin will feel stronger and healthier. In addition, bathing before dawn can also help overcome skin problems such as acne and dry skin.

Scientific studies have concluded that bathing before dawn can also help reduce stress and depression. Cold water can stimulate the production of endorphins hormones, which can help relieve stress and improve mood. Taking a morning shower can also provide a feeling of freshness and positive energy to start the day well.

The results of a scientific study in The Journal of Creative Behavior concluded that bathing before dawn can also increase concentration and productivity. Bathing in the morning can provide a feeling of freshness and fitness, so that we will be more focused and productive in carrying out our daily activities.

Bathing before dawn can also help add quality sleep. Cold water can help calm your body and mind, so you sleep more easily. In addition, taking a morning shower can also help regulate sleep rhythms and waking up, so you can feel fresher and fitter when you wake up.

That's a review of the benefits of bathing before dawn. Hopefully this information will be useful. Visit to get other interesting information.