Surprisingly, Zhao Lusi Opened Up About Mental Health Issues And Harassment In His Agency
JAKARTA - Chinese actress Zhao Lusi spoke up after the emergence of health problems and allegations of abuse in her company. Reporting from Koreaboo, Zhao Lusi directly mentioned the harassment and gave more surprising details. Zhao Lusi first apologized for the concern and stated that he needed to speak up about his illness. "This is my first and last response to everything that happened recently. I apologize profusely for attracting public attention," Zhao Lusi was quoted as saying on Thursday, January 2. "I think it is wrong if someone who does not receive any support is silenced while the perpetrators of violence against him are getting bolder, regardless of his profession, age, or gender," Zhao Lusi continued.
"It's ridiculous to force someone to reopen old wounds to prove that they don't 'overthinking', not 'too weak', or 'unsatisfied'," he explained.
"No one except the doctor who has the right to assess the severity of a person's trauma or determine whether the trauma is a disease or not," he said.