Planning Experts 'Warn' Jokowi: The New Capital Must Meet Development Standards

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian Planning Experts Association (IAPI) Phil Hendricus Andy Simarmata said the new national capital city (IKN) must meet the existing building standards. Therefore, he said, the construction of a new capital city must be comprehensive from macro to micro.

"The vision of a new capital city can be translated into a construction process that meets development standards," he said after meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Thursday, April 15.

Furthermore, Andy also hopes that the new capital city in Sepaku, Penajam, North Paser, East Kalimantan can become an example for the international community, especially by promoting nature and taking sides with local communities.

"We are fast in the process, but we must not be in a hurry, in a hurry, so that then we can truly present our beloved capital city," he said.

He also provided input to Jokowi regarding the importance of a measured process. Including competitions that are held for buildings that can be carried out properly.

"Earlier we proposed, especially from the Indonesian Architects Association and the Green Building Council Indonesia, that competitions for buildings can be carried out properly. With a measurable framework of reference, so that we can get the best for our capital, "he said.

Previously, President Jokowi today received a planning, design and engineering association at the Jakarta Presidential Palace. Their presence was to discuss the design and construction of the new State Capital (IKN) in Sepaku, Penajam, Paser Utara, East Kalimantan.

Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said this meeting showed that the government would be open to any ideas for the construction of new IKNs.

"We together with the President (Jokowi) accept the association of professional experts in this matter from all scientific disciplines in the field of architecture, in the field of planning, regional planning, the environment, all of which are in the engineering sector," he said.

According to Suharso, all elements can participate even the slightest in the construction of a new IKN. No exception, the members of the planning, design and engineering associations. Because in principle the government wants everyone to participate in the construction of the IKN.

"Earlier, the President listened carefully to the input to make a consideration (in the IKN development design)," he said.

Not only that, said Suharso, Jokowi also opened up opportunities for association members to join the ranks of the Capital Authority Agency. However, unfortunately he did not explain further when this body would be formed.

"At least it can provide recommendations on all matters concerning the planning and implementation of the national capital development," he said.