Jalan Raya Pantura Di Situbondo Diterjang Banjir, Lalin Banyuwangi Surabaya Termasat Total
The river overflow flood carried rock material and sand closed access to the north coast (Pantura) in Situbondo Regency, East Java.
The rock and sand material that was carried away by the flood of river water in Kembangsambi Hamlet, Pasir Putih Village, Bungatan District, occurred on Tuesday (31/12/2024) night around 21:00 WIB.
"The flood carrying rock and sand material occurred after the river flow collapsed, so that floods from the mountains overflowed into the northern coast," said the Coordinator of the Center for Disaster Management Operations Control (Pusdalops PB) BPBD Situbondo Puriyono in Situbondo, Wednesday morning.
As a result, he continued, rock and sand materials closed the northern coast road connecting Java and Bali.
The traffic flow from Banyuwangi to Surabaya and vice versa had total traffic jams due to flood material closing roads.
"For now, officers and residents are still cleaning stone and sand materials manually and also assisted by heavy equipment (buldosers)," said Ipung, his nickname.
He said that before the flood overflowed the river, the Situbondo area was raining heavily, so that the water discharge was high and the river flow embankment from the mountains broke.
"If the height of rock and sand material closes the pantura lane as high as about 50 cm. Alhamdulillah, after heavy equipment arrives at the location, it is quickly handled and the traffic flow returns smoothly, but opens temporarily until the end of the year," said Ipung.