Polisi Setapkan 4 Tersangka Korupsi Pengadaan Kapal Kayu DPP 2020 Lombok Timur

The police have named four suspects in the alleged corruption case of the wooden ship procurement project at the East Lombok Marine and Fisheries Service (DKP) for the 2020 fiscal year.

Head of the East Lombok Police Satreskrim AKP I Made Dharma Yulia Putra confirmed the determination of four suspects in handling the case.

"Yes, that's right. We have named four suspects at this stage of investigation," said Made Dharma by telephone, Monday, December 30, as reported by Antara.

Regarding the role and identity of the four suspects, Made Dharma did not mention. He only ensured that from the results of the case title, his party had found at least two pieces of evidence that corroborated indications of corruption against the four suspects.

"So, later we will officially release it. Just wait because the determination has just been made," he said.

The wooden ship procurement project at the East Lombok DKP was revealed using a budget ceiling worth IDR 1.33 billion.

From the results of the auction, PT Mustika Empat Lima, which is based in Lembar, West Lombok Regency, emerged as the winner with an offering price of IDR 1.31 billion.