Muara Enim Regency Government Plans To Build Five Flyover Bridges, Two Completed By 2025
JAKARTA - The Muara Enim Regency Government, South Sumatra (Sumsel) plans to add five flyovers, two of which are scheduled to be completed by 2025.
Acting Governor of South Sumatra, Elen Setiadi, revealed that the construction of the five flyovers aims to overcome the increase in coal and logistics rail traffic in the area. This project is also related to the completion of the national strategic project (PSN) and the construction of the Tanjung Enim Railway double line - Kertapati.
"At least two flyovers are prioritized for completion in 2025, namely the flyover in Gelumbang and General Sudirman, Muara Enim District. The other three will start the construction stage," explained Elen Setiadi.
He added that the construction of this flyover is part of the PSN railway double line and must follow the safety standards set in the Regulation of the Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 24 of 2015, which refers to Law no. 23 of 2007 concerning railways. Thus, the crossing of a railway double line must be equipped with a flyover or tunnel.
Regarding funding, Elen explained that this project will be funded through the 2025 State Budget allocated by the Ministry of PUPR, with the possibility of sharing fees with PT KAI.
Meanwhile, the Regent of Muara Enim, Hengky, positively welcomed this development plan. According to him, this flyover project is very important and has long been awaited by the public. In addition to being able to reduce congestion, this development also aims to improve the security, safety and comfort of residents.
Hengky hopes that the flyover that is built will not only function practically, but is also designed attractively and iconically, so that it can add to the beauty and attractiveness of Muara Enim Regency.