COVID-19 Task Force Asks Nusantara Vaccine Researchers To Coordination With BPOM

JAKARTA - Spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, responded to the polemic of Nusantara Vaccine research to stage II clinical trials, even though he has not received permission from BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency).

Wiku appealed to Indonesian vaccine researchers to coordinate and communicate well with BPOM to solve the vaccine problem initiated by dr. Terawan Putranto's.

"It is hoped that the Nusantara vaccine development team can coordinate well with BPOM so that the existing issues related to this vaccine can be resolved soon", said Wiku during a virtual press conference, Thursday, April 15.

Wiku also asked Nusantara Vaccine researchers to comply with the regulations set by the BPOM. Because as is known, the Nusantara vaccine developed in America and tested in Indonesia.

According to Wiku, there is no COVID-19 vaccine that can be used by the public or the general public without BPOM supervision. This is because the role of BPOM in monitoring security and the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine is the main reference in vaccinating COVID-19.

"In principle, all vaccines must obtain permission from BPOM, especially regarding the aspects of safety, efficacy and feasibility. As long as they meet the criteria, the government will provide support", said Wiku.