In Order To Give Birth Smoothly, These Are The Benefits Of Prenatal Yoga For Pregnant Women

JAKARTA - During pregnancy, mothers also need to exercise regularly to maintain health. Indeed, there are not many sports choices that are safe enough for pregnant women. But maybe you can try prenatal yoga?

Different from regular yoga, prenatal yoga is a special program for pregnant women. All techniques and intensity of movement have also been adapted to the condition of pregnant women. Besides being healthy, various movements in prenatal yoga can also make mothers more relaxed.

It doesn't stop there. Prenatal yoga has many benefits for pregnant women to do. For example the following four things:

Increase stamina

When pregnant, mothers need extra energy and strength to carry the 'burden' in the body which is getting bigger and bigger. As the stomach grows bigger and heavier, many mothers complain of pain in the hips, back, arms and shoulders. With prenatal yoga movements, this can help strengthen body parts and increase stamina so that the mother becomes stronger in activities.

Connecting with babies

With a prenatal yoga routine, mothers can focus on everything that is happening in the body, including the various changes that are present. During movement and breathing exercises, mothers can learn to enjoy each baby's kicks and slowly build a bond with their babies.

Learn breathing techniques

Breathing techniques are very important for pregnant women to learn. The effect is not only physical, but also mental. During pregnancy, the mother will experience hormonal changes that can have an impact on emotions and moods. Now, with this breathing exercise, mothers can reduce excess anxiety and can control emotions. Certainly this will be useful for controlling pain during contractions and helping during the birth process.

Prepare for childbirth

Many prenatal yoga poses or movements are aimed at helping the muscles in the hip area to be more flexible and flexible. Movements such as squats or squats can open up the hips and pelvis area. Mothers will also learn to regulate their breath, integrate the breath with posture, and practice enduring pain during contractions. All of them will help the normal delivery process.