Ministries And Institutions Asked To Continue Service Travel Savings By 2025
JAKARTA - Ministries/Institutions (K/L) are asked to save their official travel budget (perjadin) again in 2025. This is stated in the book Financial Note along with the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2025.
Quoting the book Memorandum of Finance along with the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2025, Goods Expenditures have a strategic role in supporting the implementation of Government operational activities to support quality public services and the completion of priority programs.
Therefore, the Government is committed to improving the quality of procurement and implementation of Goods Expenditures with a focus on supporting public services.
In addition, the Government continues to encourage the implementation of Goods Expenditures that are more effective, efficient, and support the optimization of ICT utilization through bureaucratic digitization to improve service quality to the public.
In line with the Government's commitment to continue spending efficiency, the direction of the 2025 budget year expenditure policy is, among other things, focused on sharpening goods spending in line with the digitization of the bureaucracy.
"The implementation of the efficiency of goods spending through non-operative goods expenditure savings and official travel expenditures as well as sharpening of goods expenditures is handed over (including government assistance) as well as synergies with local government spending," quoted from the Financial Note and the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2025, Friday, December 27.
In addition, K/L is asked to sharpen the cost structure and strengthen the cost standards in the context of budget allocation efficiency and increase the use of domestic products (TKDN) in the context of procurement of goods and services. Furthermore, to support the direction of the policy, the expenditure of K/L goods in the 2025 budget year APBN is allocated Rp484,976.9 billion.
Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in 2024 had saved official travel expenditures for all K/L through the letter of the Minister of Finance number S-1023/MK.02/2024 dated November 7, 2024.
Sri Mulyani conveyed to all Ministries/Agencies to make savings of at least 50 percent of the remaining Official Travel Shopping ceiling while maintaining the effectiveness of achieving program targets in each Ministry/Institution.
Based on this above, the Work Unit is asked to re-examine various activities that require official travel expenditures at DIPA TA 2024 which can be saved while maintaining the effectiveness of achieving program targets in each work unit of the Ministry/Institution.
Next, the work unit restricts official travel spending independently through a revised mechanism and includes page IV.A DIPA records as savings.
Furthermore, the revision of the inclusion in the records of page IV.A DIPA was carried out at the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of Lampung Province.
Thenner coordinated with the echelon I unit of the Ministry/Institution in revising the restrictions on official travel spending independently.
In addition, work units cannot apply for SPM LS/GUP/PTUP including submission of TUP approval which contains elements of official travel expenditure before revising the savings of official travel expenditures.
Meanwhile, KPPN can accept requests for payment for official travel expenditures after the work unit revises the savings of official travel expenditures as evidenced by a validity letter for the revision of the savings of official travel expenditures by work units; or a validation letter for the revision of the savings of echelon i official travel expenditure of ministries/agencies in terms of the revision of savings is carried out centrally.