Search For Hanyut Children In The Ciliwung River In Bogor Continued, SAR Team Installs Rescue Nets
JAKARTA - A joint team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Bogor City Fire and Rescue Service (DPKP), as well as a number of volunteers are currently still searching for Faisal, a 13-year-old boy who was reportedly swept away in the Ciliwung River, Sukasari Village, Bogor City.
The Head of BPBD Bogor City, Hidayatulloh, revealed that the report related to this incident was received on Thursday), December 26 at noon. As of Thursday night, the search conducted by the joint SAR team had not yielded any results.
"Search efforts on the first day have not found any victims. Based on the agreement, the search will resume on Friday morning," Hidayatulloh said in Bogor City, Friday.
He explained that before the incident, Faisal was known to be swimming with his friends in the Ciliwung River. When trying to cross the river, Faisal was unable to fight the swift current.
"His friends tried to help, but the effort was unsuccessful. As a result, the victim was carried away by the river currents," he explained.
After the incident, Faisal's friends immediately reported the incident to local residents, who were then forwarded to the RT/RW management and the joint SAR team.
"During the incident, the water level at the Katulampa Ciliwung Dam was recorded at 20 centimeters or was included in the Alert 4 category with sunny weather conditions," he added.
Hidayatulloh said that the search was carried out using the ground visual monitoring method, starting from the location of the incident to Sukamulya Village, Sukasari Village.
"As an additional step, we also installed a net at a radius of about 500 meters from the scene. Currently, the search is still ongoing involving personnel from the TRC-PB BPBD Bogor City along with other joint SAR teams," he concluded.