The Minister Of Trade Lutfi And The Coordinating Minister For The Economy Airlangga Are Deemed Worthy Of Being Replaced, The Reason?

JAKARTA - Political observer from Lingkar Madani (LIMA) Indonesia, Ray Rangkuti, assesses that a number of Working Cabinet ministers deserve to be replaced in the upcoming reshuffle.

According to him, the appointment of a new minister resulting from the merger of the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as the Ministry of Investment could at the same time be a momentum for evaluating other ministers.

Ray actually thinks that the Ministry of Communication and Information is more appropriate to be liquidated by President Jokowi than the Ministry of Research and Technology. Because according to him, Kemenkominfo can be handled by 3 sectors. Among them, the secretariat of state ministers, the presidential spokesperson and members of the cabinet in general.

"But I think that the reshuffle is important to be widened not only in terms of consolidation but also the momentum for evaluating the president whether other ministers are worth defending or not," Ray said in a webinar discussion on 'Cabinet Reshuffle II: For What, For Whom', Thursday, April 15.

Ray also mentioned that President Jokowi deserves to be removed from office. First, the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi.

Even though he was only inaugurated in December 2020, Ray assessed that the excitement of the import plan was a negative note on his performance so that the President stepped in to state that imports were not implemented.

"And the president himself informs the public through an official statement. How insistent Lutfi is to import rice, salt and sugar. To stop it, the president has to make a statement. I think this is one of the strong reasons why he deserves to be reshuffled," said Ray.

Furthermore, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto. According to Ray, the general chairman of the Golkar Party deserves to be considered by the president to be removed.

"Considering two things, one chaotic formulation of the Omnibus Law was carried out in a way that did not comply with procedures, did not reflect the spirit that really involved public participation. Eventually there was a scene of rejection everywhere which led to demonstrations," he explained.

Second, because the minister of trade is directly under the minister of economy.

"So Lutfi's insistence on carrying out imports, I think has something to do with the mission of the minister of economy related to imports. Obviously it is not in line with the president's vision and mission of prioritizing the domestic economy. He deserves to be removed!" Said Ray Rangkuti.