Appendix To Review Of The Sale Of DKI Beer Stocks Only A Piece Of Paper, DPRD: Like RT-RW, Mr. Anies!

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDIP Faction of the DPRD (Regional House of Representatives) DKI Gembong Warsono claimed not to prohibit the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to sell shares of beer company PT Delta Djakarta, Tbk.
However, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has not submitted a comprehensive review of the sale of beer stocks. The review was in the form of a profit scheme until the planned use of stock sales money was used for any program.
"Mr. Anies just send a letter. It's a regional asset to sell, why only send a piece of paper. It's like an attachment of RT-RW (Neighborhood-Citizens Association)", said Gembong when contacted, Thursday, April 15.
Gembong said a comprehensive review is needed when selling stocks or regional assets that are fairly profitable. Thus, the profit of the sale of alcoholic beverage stocks is not wrongly targeted.
"If you talk haram-halal, yes it is certain. But when compared to profit loss, it's also different again. Wong this is a very profitable company. Regarding the benefits side, it must be seen in its entirety, not in pieces", said Gembong.
Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that his party is still making a review of the release of beer stocks of PT Delta Djakarta, Tbk. This review will be submitted to the DKI DPRD.
Riza claimed that the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta had a strong reason to sell shares of liquor companies under the brand Anker to San Miguel. He said many private parties wanted to buy the shares.
"Many people are actually waiting in line to buy shares of PT Delta", Riza said at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 18.
Riza claimed to believe that the leadership of the DPRD, the chairman of the Commission, and all members of the DPRD will find a solution to the plan that was withdrawn since the beginning of the leadership of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.
"We leave the wisdom to the leadership, members of the DPRD, who I think are very understanding and wise how to find solutions related to the problem of PT Delta shares", he said.