The Initial Stage Of Writing An Observation Result Report, Here Are The Steps

YOGYAKARTA - After making observations, of course, there must be a report that is prepared as a form of accountability and to report information about objects being observed. Before providing an observation report, you need to understand the initial stage of writing the correct observation report.

Quoted from the book The Easiest Way to Understand, Implement, As well as Writing Reports and Class Action Research Articles, Adnan M. Baralemba, (2019:87), Below is the initial stage of writing an observation report:

The first stage of writing the report on observation results is determining the topics to be written. The topics must be scientific and factual with the reference sources. For example: water pollution observations, learning processes, coral reefs, or about environmental pollution, learning methods, animals, plants to the process of natural phenomena. Before making observations, of course this topic is important to determine.

In the second stage, you must determine the purpose and title of the observation, so that your observation does not expand too wide and makes you overwhelmed when running it later.

In order for observations to run smoothly, you must develop an observation process. Thus, you do not need to be afraid to forget what process to do next. Make observations according to the stages that have been compiled. Collect the necessary data and not far from the original destination.

The next step, compile the aspect criteria that must be reported. After undergoing observation and getting the data, compile the aspects that will be explained and reported in your observational report. Preparation of the criteria will also be an illustration of what the report will be like later. Because from this criterion the author has already stored the data that will be compiled.

Furthermore, in order not to go too wide, limit the aspects that you must report. Thus, your observation report will not deviate from the predetermined goals.

After knowing what aspects are restricted, you can start to describe the elements that will be described. Definition the aspect chosen by writing a general statement and remembering to use the language of the defining sentence. In this section, you must remember the text structure of the observation report, which is a general statement or classification of information that is observed.

Then explain the aspects reported in detail about the information to be submitted based on the results of observations.

The seventh stage is to complete the report on observation results with data and images. This data can be in the form of graphics in various models, charts, or other forms, which show a measure. In this section, use the words conjunction, synonym, anthonym, & symplectic and complex sentences.

The last step, of course, is to draw conclusions from observational results based on the facts, data, and images found.

That's the review of the initial stage of writing the report on the results of observations. Hopefully this information will be useful. Visit to get other interesting information.