The Value Of A Noise Threshold That Can Be Accepted By Humans

YOGYAKARTA - In human life, sound and sound are important things. However, this can be something bad if it has too high intensity that noise occurs. As is well known, humans have acceptable threshold value of noise, and this must really be considered.

According to the KBBI, noise has a big meaning (such as cassava-denggung, decir, desing-desing) so that the ears become sensitive (about sounds or sounds). The Ministerial Decree of Environment (LH) Number 48 of 1996 revealed that noise is an unwanted sound from business or activities at certain levels and times that can disrupt human health and environmental comfort.

According to Buchari (2007), there are several types of noise, including:

Noise is also divided into several types depending on its influence on humans. Below are the details.

Annoying noise (irritating noise): noise with intensity is not too loud, as an example of human snoring.

Noise covers (mask noise): sounds that cover clear hearing. Indirectly this sound affects the health and safety of workers because the screams of signs or danger are covered by this noise.

Noise destructive (damaging/injurious noise): sound that exceeds the threshold value (NAB) of noise. The sound that goes into this noise has the potential to damage or lower hearing function.

Based on Kepmenaker Number per-51/MEN/1999, ACGIH, 2008 and SNI 16-7063-2004, NAB noise is 85 dB (desibelian) for workers who are working 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. NAB noise in the workplace is the highest intensity as well as the average figure that is still able to be accepted by the workforce without losing a fixed hearing power for a continuous time of no more than 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week.

However, it should be noted that noise can affect health. The resulting impact varies depending on the value of the spirit.

The noise intensity below NAB does not cause hearing damage, but can be one cause of stress and other health problems. Below are some problems that can be caused by low-intensity noise.

High-pitched noise also has an impact on several conditions, including:

That's a review of the value of the noise threshold. Visit to get other interesting information.