The 2024 Pilkada Dispute Session Was Held For The First Time January 8, 2025
JAKARTA - The inaugural hearing with a preliminary examination agenda for the dispute over the results of the general election (PHPU) or the 2024 Pilkada dispute is planned to be held on January 8, 2025.
The preliminary examination is carried out no later than four working days after the application is registered in the Electronic Constitutional Case Registration Book (e-BRPK) which will be held on January 3, 2025.
"Phase: Preliminary Examination. Activities: Checking the completeness and clarity of the application material and examining and ratifying the applicant's evidence. Schedule: January 8, 2025," the Constitutional Court Regulation Number 14 of 2024, Thursday, December 19, was confiscated by Antara.
Meanwhile, the trial with the agenda of court examination will be held on 17 January '4 February 2025. At this stage, the Constitutional Court listened to the KPU's answer as the respondent, the information of related parties, and Bawaslu's statement, and ratified the evidence.
Then, the constitutional judge is scheduled to hold a panel of judges' deliberation (RPH) on February 5, 2025. This RPH is to discuss cases and make decisions regarding whether or not a case is continued.
The verdict or decision regarding the death of the case is scheduled for 11'13 February 2025. For cases that do not fall, it will continue to the stage of the follow-up trial examination which is planned to be carried out on 14'28 February 2025.
"Padapan: Pemeriksaan persidangan lanjutan. Kegiatan: Pembukaan lanjutan dengan agenda mendengar keterangan saksi/ahli serta memeriksa dan mengahkan alat bukti tambahan," demikian penjelasan mengenai sidang pemeriksaan lanjutan.
The Court again held an RPH to discuss the case from the results of the follow-up examination hearing to take the final decision. This RPH is scheduled for March 3, 2025. The trial for expressing the final decision will be held on March 7, 2025.
Registration for the 2024 Pilkada dispute is actually scheduled until Wednesday, December 18, as written in PMK 14/2024. However, the Constitutional Court will still accept applications registered through the deadline for registration and after the case registration schedule.
The MK cannot determine the last day of registration because it all depends on the KPU in determining the candidate pair's vote. If anyone registers after the case is filed by the BPPK on January 3, [2025], it will still be accepted," explained Constitutional Justice and Constitutional Court Spokesperson Enny Nurbaningsih to reporters, Wednesday, December 18.
In addition, the Court also considered the schedule for determining the results of the regional elections by the KPU which were different in each region. Moreover, there are several regions that have re-voted (PSU).
"Until today, we also don't know exactly whether the KPU has determined 100 percent of the vote acquisition by the KPU. For example, if there are KPUs in the regions that are still conducting PSUs, the determination of the vote acquisition has just been determined. If someone submits a case, it must still be accepted," said Enny.
Judging from the official website of the Constitutional Court, the total application for regional election disputes as of Thursday at 14:50 WIB was 310 applications. With details of 21 applications related to disputes over the results of the governor's election, 240 applications regarding the results of the regent's election, and 49 other applications related to the mayor's election.