Jimly Asshiddiqie Is Considered Fit To Be Minister Of Ristek

JAKARTA - Political observer Ray Rangkuti assessed Nadiem Makarim would be troubled to lead two ministries at once, namely the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology when melted down.

"Nadiem I think it would be a hassle if it came to ngurus also problems related to research. Maybe if the Ministry of Education can still be handled, but if the research gimana? Because this is not a job that can be done with a while ago," Ray told VOI, Wednesday, April 15.

Ray claimed to be surprised by President Jokowi's plan to combine the Ministry of Education and The Ministry of Technology. Because, research should be the focus of its own.

"I think if we want to create a research-based country it can not be considered as a work while ago. That's why I am personally surprised why the research minister is actually liquidated by Mr. Jokowi," he said.

Filtering the proposals circulating, Ray assessed there is one figure who is suitable to lead the Ministry of Dikbud and Ristek, namely the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie.

"I don't think Nadiem's figure is sufficient for these two positions at once or may need another figure. Yesterday in a discussion organized by one of the YouTube channels there was a proposal jimly as one of the figures raised. I agree if jimly figure, it is imagined that he is suitable to occupy the position if the Ministry of Technology and Ministry of Education combined," he explained.

According to Ray, Jimly has experience and a track record of leading a ministry. In addition to the chairman of the Court, Jimly has also been a member of the Presidential Advisory Council. He is also a Professor at the University of Indonesia.

"We all know Jimly's capacity. From his leadership, from the track record has a tendency. Therefore, it is also good for Jimly to fill a new post in this case the minister of Dikbud and Research," said Ray Rangkuti.

Tag: joko widodo nasional nadiem makarim menteri jokowi reshuffle kabinet jokowi kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan