KPK Examines Former Wife Antonius Kosasih In PT Taspen's Fictitious Investment Case
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) examined Rina Lauwy Kosasih
on this day, Tuesday, December 17. She was examined as a witness in the PT Taspen fictitious investment case that dragged her ex-husband while serving as president director.
"The examination was carried out at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, December 17.
Apart from Rina, investigators also scheduled an examination of other witnesses. He is Tuti Nurbaiti who is a BUMN employee. Tessa has not yet detailed the summons of these two witnesses. However, they are suspected of knowing the alleged corruption that is being handled by investigators.
Previously reported, the KPK decided to increase the status of handling the alleged corruption of PT Taspen (Persero) fictitious investment from investigation to investigation. Currently, the calculation of state losses is still being carried out.
Two suspects have been named, namely former President Director of PT Taspen Antonius Nicholas Stephanus Kosasih and President Director of PT Insight Investments Management Ekiawan Heri Primaryanto. However, an official announcement and detention has not been made.
Recently, the anti-corruption commission is investigating whether there is a kick back or thank you to Kosasih. The deepening continues but is not detailed by the Director of Investigation of the KPK Asep Guntur Rahayu.
"That's what we are looking for (win back, red)," said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters quoted on Thursday, November 7.
Asep lantas menjelaskan PT Insight Investments Management merupakan salah satu perusahaan manajer investasi yang digandeng PT Taspen untuk meliput uang pensiun ke sejumlah securitas. Hanya saja, praktiknya tidak sesuai aturan sehingga diduga terjadi korupsi.
"One of them is because it turns out that the investment is not profitable, it continues to be a loss there," he said.
In addition, investigators have also investigated the flow and financial transactions of Kosasih through two witnesses, namely Dhoni Nurhananto, who is part of finance and a consultant named Jennifer B. Tumbuan. Both were questioned on Thursday, November 21.