Wijaya Karya Production Of 50 Thousand Units Of Electric Motor Gesits Per Year, You Are Interested?

JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. or WIKA plans to distribute a large distribution of Gesits national electric motor vehicles by the middle of this year.

"This year we will do a massive distribution of Gesits electric motors," said WIKA President Director Agung Budi Waskito in an online seminar in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 14.

According to Agung, WIKA does produce the electric motor but it has not been marketed massively.

"In the middle of this year WIKA will start to market this Gesits electric motor to the public," he said.

The mass distribution of Gesits electric motors is one of WIKA's corporate action plans this year.

A number of other corporate action plans from WIKA in 2021, including WIKA Realty's plan to become a state-owned hotel holding, the construction of Big Plant Asphalty Bitumen, divestment of Prima Container Terminal, Jatiluhur SPAM investment, as well as increasing the capacity of PT Wijaya Karya Industri &Konstruksi (WIKON) to 100 thousand tons per year.

Previously President Joko Widodo believed the national electric motorcycle Garansindo Electric Scooter ITS (Gesits) will be accepted by the market.

The Head of State said that if the price offered is competitive enough and has its own advantages over conventional motorcycles, the electric motorcycle will be accepted by the market.

Electric motorcycles collaboration between PT Gesits Technologies Indo (GTI) and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya can travel 70 kilometers for a single battery charge with only 3 hours.

Gesits motor production will be conducted at PT Wika Industri dan Konstruksi factory in Gunung Putri Bogor with a production capacity of 50 thousand units in one year.