Supreme Court Considerations Reject PK Convicted Of Vina Cirebon Case
JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) has several considerations behind the decision to reject Saka Tatal's Reconsideration (PK) and seven other convicts in the murder case of Vina and Eky in Cirebon.
The spokesman for the Supreme Court, Yanto, said that one of his considerations was that there was no mistake in judex facti and judex juris in judging the convicts.
Judex facti means a judge who examines or hears cases at the first level, such as the District Court. Meanwhile, Judex juris is a term for judges to examine or try cases at the cassation level, which is carried out by Supreme Court justices.
"The considerations of the panel of judges in rejecting the PK application include; there is no mistake in judex facti and judex juris in adjudicating the convicts," Yanto told reporters, Monday, December 16.
Other considerations related to novum or evidence. The panel of judges assessed that the novum submitted by the convicts was nothing new.
"The new evidence or novum submitted by the convict is not new evidence as stipulated in Article 263 paragraph 2 letter a of the Criminal Procedure Code," said Yanto.
On that basis or consideration, the PK application submitted by Saka Tatal and seven other convicts was decided to be rejected.
The seven convicts in question are Jaya, Supriyanto, Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Eko Ramadhani, Sudirman, and Rivaldi Aditya Wardana.
With the rejection of the PK application, the criminal sentence that has been handed down at the trial at the previous stage remains valid.
This means that the convicts, including Saka Tatal, will continue to serve life imprisonment.
"With the rejection of the PK applications of the convicts, the decisions requested by the PK will still apply," said Yanto.
Sebagai, pidana penjara seumur hidup tujuh terpidana kasus Vina Cirebon tak berabag mulai dari Pengadilan Negeri Cirebon, peningkatan, hingga cassasi.
Meanwhile, Saka Tatal was sentenced to 8 years in prison. After serving a sentence of 3 years and 8 months, he was released from condition and purely free in July 2024.