Strengthening The Economy Of Kerkyatan, Kemenkop Launches Cooperatives For Islamic Syarikats In East Kalimantan Province
The Ministry of Cooperatives (Kemenkop) officially launched the existence of the East Kalimantan Province Islamic Syarikat Cooperative (Kaltim) in Samarinda. This cooperative was launched as an effort to strengthen the people's economy.
Deputy Minister of Cooperatives (Wamenkop) Ferry Juliantono hopes that the Cooperative of the Islamic Syarikats of East Kalimantan Province will be able to move the wheels of the people's economy, especially among the lower class.
Furthermore, Ferry explained that the relationship between Islamic Sharia, sharia economy, and cooperatives is closely related, because it emphasizes social justice and community welfare which will create a strong foundation for economic development.
"It is not only financially beneficial, but also beneficial for the welfare of the community as a whole that is just and sustainable," he said in an official statement, Sunday, December 15.
Moreover, continued Ferry, the congress of the first cooperative was echoed in Tasikmalaya City, West Java, which at that time was the Syarikat of Islam in its golden age, where all traders were part of the Syarikat Islam.
"So, on the way, it cannot be separated between cooperatives and the Islamic Society," he said.
Ferry hopes that the establishment of the cooperative can take advantage of the economic potential that can be developed in East Kalimantan. Among other things, utilizing ex-mining land for agricultural activities, especially food crops, holticulture, livestock, fisheries, and so on.
"The Ministry of Cooperatives (Kemenkop) will continue to assist, incubate its business, and help with its capital through the LPDB KUMKM," he said.
In the future, continued Ferry, the Syarikat Islam Cooperative is expected to participate in supporting and successful programs that have been prepared by the government.
"The success of each program depends heavily on the strength of collaboration between the government and the Cooperative Movement, including community organizations, which will create a greater impact on improving people's welfare," he said.
Meanwhile, Acting Governor of East Kalimantan Akmal Malik welcomed the presence of the East Kalimantan Islamic Syarikat Cooperative by challenging cooperatives to process land potential in East Kalimantan so that it could produce economic value for the community.
There are thousands of ex-mining lands that have just been abandoned. Please use them and develop Islamic Syarikat cooperatives, especially to strengthen our agricultural sector," said Akmal.